Help to choose my 3rd Aneros

Hello people of the interwebs,

i need help to decide my 3rd Aneros, i would love to get some input form you guys 🙂

What i already have:

PROGASM: first one i bought years ago. I like the feeling, but it seems to be very fixed in place. I feel kind of “full” with it (even if i can take WAY bigger toys usually), so not much movement i can induce. Needs some affort to keep it in, which can be annoying

HELIX SYN TRIDENT: have it for a couple of month now, love it overall. gives me nice feelings. Easy to keep in, easy to move with my muscles down there. Overall very fun and the reason i started investing more and more time into playing with my prostate.

– LELO HUGO: kinda like Progasm but vibrating, very strong, alsmost overkill i would say. I enjoy it a lot tho

Further information:

I recently got into mindgasm which helps a ton to get deeper into prostate play. I never got to any HFD/WO nor Super-O or anything, just nice feelings during long sessions. I feel like i make progress due to the mindgasm sessions tho.

My thoughts:

– maybe the Progasm jr.? I really like the overall shape of the Progasm, it just seems to be a tiny bit to big/fixed to move around

Helix Syn V: could combine my current favourite with vibrations like form the Hugo, yet even if i love the Helix, I have the feeling its just a tiny bit too small

i would love to read what you guys would recommend me to do 🙂



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  2. Get the Peridise set. You’ll be surprised how much those little things can do. At $20 it’s well worth having. Mine stay in my rotation and get used regularly

  3. I mean Vice 2 is amazing too, perfect size, filling feeling, and solid remote. But I feel like it misses my p-spot. Eupho is all time great, and also suggest you buy Peridise. Cheap but very effective sticks, which keep fluttering around in your cave!

  4. Maximus was the game changer for me, also got Eupho roughly around the same time and it packs a serious punch too for its size. Similarly the Peridise.

    The Progasm seemed too big for movement for me until I got more proficient with the other smaller ones, and now it’s hugely pleasurable.

    It’s great to have the options, and I swear by my three. They’re like tiny, to small, medium and large.

    I’d say the Eupho next. Then maybe the Maximus. They’re both amazing

  5. I am a huge believer in the Maximus (I have the hard plastic one)… it gives me the fullness that I was craving and the Super O’s….

    With that being said, I started an excellent session this morning using my Maxi, and a couple of quick hits, along with THC tincture coated Lube… everything did an amazing job… POs and a Super O… I fell asleep with my Maxi inside and I woke up abt 1/2 hr ago with my Prostate super, super sensitive!!! So while up, I decided it was BlackProgasm IceProgasm time… using a wicked anal lube with a slight touch of the Wif’s clit sensitizer, I smeared up the Progasm and it was sucked right in by my ass…my prostate is so enlarged that I almost had a Super O walking back to the bed! Laid back down on my bed, moving and rolling my hips, rubbing my nipples even though I have a white tee on… we’ll, I’ve just had my 3rd Super O… and now taking a rest and typing this account! I am sooo addicted to these gd orgasms, I just cannot stop! OGM, I FEEL ANOTHER ONE STARTING! Brothers, you might think this is bullshit? But I promise you, it is not… bye! Enjoy yourselves and have a great Journey…

  6. If you want a professional most flexible and agile dancer in your bum from my experiences I‘d suggest the Eupho Syn Trident.

    Lately a guy reported some interesting studies to the Aneros forum concerning the depth of the tools. Pulling them out a tiny bit may already do it. That guy put some padding material between the perineal tab and the perineum and hit his prostate better than ever before.

    Comparing Helix and Eupho showed the Eupho doesn‘t go as far in as the Helix, matching my better results using the Eupho.

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