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  2. It’s literally playing with your prostate/anus focusing on which sensations feel really good while you do it and building off of that, as there is no one size fits all manual when it comes to prostate massage. Every prostate owner is different so what works for me may not work for you. Hope that helps! The one tip I can give you that seems to be universal among those that do it is if you are able to consume cannabis, a good weed high *will* make the prostate and anus way more sensitive during play sessions! At least for me I won’t do prostate play sessions without hitting my weed vape first.

  3. All you need do is insert the unit and flex your pelvic floor. By doing so you are massaging your prostate. If you do it for a few minutes you will likely feel a Euphoric sensation, quite pleasurable. It may take longer to recognize these feelings at first.

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