
Everytime I feel something good happening or my pelvis is glowing /tingling, I’ll always reach a point where I feel like I’m about to pee.

I’ve tried resisting a few times but always without fail, the fear of peeing myself will overtake any relaxation I have and I’ll go to the bathroom. When I returned, all the sensation I’ve built up will be gone and the session is spoiled

Any idea what’s happen and what Im doing wrong



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  2. Howdy! What device are you using when this happens?

    You could play while on a couple of towels and some puppy pads so if anything does happen you won’t have to worry so much about the mess.

  3. What’s happening is the Aneros is also stimulating your bladder. This sensation goes away with practice. Unfortunately you’ll have to endure it until your body adjusts.

  4. Just keep relaxing. Sounds silly but it’s true. I always have a towel down anyway and whenever I get the pee feeling I still just fully relax. I’ve put it off for ages until i actually really need to go, you’ll know by comparison when youre actually needingnto pee. Your prostate swelling puts pressure on your bladder so that’s why it feels that way.

    Also don’t put pressure on yourself that it’s “interrupting your session” when you do actually get up to go. I used to. I have much better sessions after seeing it as a little reset. You haven’t lost the progress in the session, just a little break

  5. Like said in other response, just relax. For me most times I let it go and no pee and sensations get better from there. Other times its really a time for emptying so I just take a short break.

    Having puppy pads helps, knowing that if you go there won’t be a mess helps on not getting distracted by the worry to mess everything, and if you do fill like really going the pads are there to do their job.

  6. Just a thought… have you ever tried a session in the tub or shower. I’ve actually put towels down on the shower floor, just for cushion and so it’s not cold. Since you’re in a place where you can be a little messy, who cares about that feeling? Go with it.

  7. be in a place where you can. years ago i when j started i had the same problem. went into my bathtub (taking a shower) during my session. i kept feeling like i was gonna pee but i remembered reading to let go. so i did. i squirted prostatic fluid everywhere. i since then learnt that i am a squirter.

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