Is this the right type of auto-f**king?

So I’ve been experimenting over the last few weeks with my aneros prograsm playing around with mindgasm techniques.

Last night I *think* I experienced what auto fucking was but not sure whether it’s what others have related to. I reached a point where the aneros pulled in and started to move in and out by itself. The reason why I’m questioning whether I’m on the right track is this resulted in a strong auto clench to the point I was concerned about how hard I was squeezing.

I didn’t feel anything massively good from this but I’m guessing this was probably down to my concern about how hard the clench was and my worry I would do some damage!

Any advice appreciated 🙂



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  2. Same thing I went through at first. The auto clench should go away with practice. If you can go a few days without masturbating it is well worth it. Also I would suggest legal THC or CBD if you can I can have good aless session with them, and wild session with an aneros in me. The mindgasm lessons have been a real game changer for me! So keep them up!

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