How does billing appear on a bank statement?

I’m thinking about taking advantage of the Black Friday sale. I’m an adult, but I have a student bank account which my father has access to. Obviously I’d rather not have him know I’m playing with prostate toys. Does the order appear on a bank statement as something that’s clearly related to Aneros? For instance, I’ve ordered from Peep Show Toys before, and their billing appears as Hamilton Park Electronics, their parent company.

Progasm vs. Progasm Jr.?

I’ve been interested in one of the bigger models for a while, and I’m thinking about going for it since the sale is on. If you have experience with both the Progasm and the Jr., let me know how they compare. Or if you’ve just used one or the other, tell me what you think of it.

I kind of think I’m leaning more toward the Jr. I’m on the shorter end at 5’7″. I can comfortably take about 1.5″, but I’m thinking the size and shape of the Jr. might be more appropriate for my depth. The Jr. also looks like it’s more conducive to sitting in a chair while playing, which is how I prefer to use my Helix. If you’ve used the Jr. or the regular Progasm, let me know your thoughts in that regard.

How easy is it to sit or walk around with a Progasm in?

Currently, the only Aneros product I own is a Helix Syn Trident, which is obviously very comfortable to sit with and easy to keep in, being relatively small and silicone. I’m thinking about getting a Progasm, but I’m wondering, since it’s larger and rigid, if it’s uncomfortable to wear it around or sit upright in a chair with it in. I like to have a toy in for extended periods of time, so I’d like to be able to sit and walk around with it.

In some of the pictures I’ve seen of the Progasm, there’s a tab sticking out below the arms. I’m not entirely sure which models I’m looking at that have the tab or don’t, but I would expect the ones with that tab to harder to sit up with. Can anyone with a Progasm of any model add some insight? Thanks