My understanding of what happens during reprogramming. How to start step 1 of using the aneros.

– Get super relaxed, so relaxed that you feel like your body doesn’t want to move, and your eyesight gets blacker. I repeat to myself, “going deeper” as I relax, which is done in waves. Focus on the sensations of breath and your body. I like to imagine that I’m focusing on sensory receptors on the skin, inside of the nose and most other cells, because I’m scientifically inclined and that helps me visualize. Eventually your mind gets numb to your body, and you mostly experience just sensations.

– Next try to focus purely on the sensation on the aneros, and not the location of the aneros. What the GOAL, is to shut off the body’s location processing, become completely unaware of the location of the aneros sensation. After this is done, instead of going “sensation-> body part-> brain”, it goes “sensation-> brain”. And so the brain just knows that the sensation is coming from the pelvic region, and it thinks you are being sexually stimulated but instead you are just stimulating a VERY sensitive non-sexual area.

– You have to stay in the super relaxed and super-sensory-shut off mode for a long time while you focus on the sensation of the aneros. I said to myself “I have no idea where this sensation is coming from” as I focused very hard on the sensation.