Self Care

I’m a professional person and in my field of work there is an ethic of self care that is necessary and even mandatory. Unfortunately, life is such that time for “self care” is nearly impossible. Until . .

Aneros. My self care.

I often (more and more often) find myself locking my office door at work for 30 minutes of “self care”. Writhing uncontrollably on my office floor, gasping for breath, eye rolling back into my head as my body spasms in unrelenting ecstasy. Being used. No care in the world. My body flooding with endorphins.

My self care.


I have aneroses large and small. Each gives a different sensation. Each good. Each MORE than good.
The larger models allow me to bear down which creates orgasmic bliss for sure. But the smaller ones, especially the Eupho Trident, gives far greater pleasure because of its movement. I realize it could be because my hole is tight, but I’m wondering if movement makes a difference for you? Gotta love my long and slender Eupho Trident. It uses me up.


Wondering if anyone would like to use the chat function to discuss daily aneros progress, share journeys, habits and provide support and encouragement.

I hope this doesn’t break any community rules. I’m just looking for something a little more interactive than the regular posting area.

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Bloodshot Eyes

My eyes give me away.

When I finally drag myself away from the writhing cascades of endless orgasms, I look in the mirror and see my red face and bloodshot eyes. I wonder if anyone notices? I smile to myself and think, if other men only knew the mind blowing intense pleasure available to them through their prostate no man would ever leave his room.

Do you experience bloodshot eyes?

Who needs drugs when you can have aneros.

This is my story. Many years ago I bought my first aneros. I practiced and practiced, patiently waiting. Over the weeks, small flutters became cascades of back-arching orgasms that began nearly before I could get the aneros completely inserted. I was rewired. I was on fire.

Life happened and I put my collection away. Recently I stumbled upon this group and I began to wonder why I ever gave it up. I wondered if my body had forgotten how to respond. It hadn’t.

Today I reinserted my helix. Time stood still as wave after wave of endless pleasure washed over me again and again. I had to force myself to stop. I had forgotten how utterly pleasurable the sessions could be.

During my orgasms, I am creative. I am pensive. I am alive. Today I thought to myself, who needs to take drugs when immeasurable pleasure can come from a perfectly crafted piece of plastic.

I’m hooked once again. No turning back this time.