Further Steps

Since the last writing, I've used my Aneros three more times. Each time, I learn something new, and occasionally I learn things through other activity not involving the Aneros.

My second ride was nowhere near as powerful an experience as my first. Frankly, my first ride has yet to be surpassed in terms of intensity and general pleasure. )Which is fine. I'm glad to have had it nonetheless.( In this second session I learned this, that not all sessions will be mind-splosions, but also the very beginnings of sensations inside my ass. Some crept in towards the end of my first session, but in the second, I was more able to pay attention to them, identify them, greet them. They didn't stay. That is also fine.

My second ride was pleasing in a fairly minimalist way, and left me wanting more. I had an urge for sex, which I put aside, but when it crept up persistently for minutes at a time I called my SO in to the room for intercourse. She obliged happily, and I learned what sex with an Aneros device inside feels like. It was interesting, and pleasing, and also somewhat obstructive. Not my favorite experience, but might be good for occasional implementation.

The first session.

)This post was first written for posting on the Aneros subreddit. Any formatting errors are likely due to the discrepancy between Reddit's and the Aneros site's methods of handling certain kinds of text.(

Just so I don't set up bad expectations for people looking to get into things with an Aneros, let me set down the ways in which I had kind of a leg up on getting the most out of the Aneros experience. And there are quite a few ways.

I have been maintaining kegel muscle tone through casual use for about 15 years

I have experienced hands-free orgasm before without the aid of any sort of toy, tool, accessory, or substance

I am incredibly relaxed person–massages do nothing for me because there simply isn't any tension to massage out )side note, the bafflement of people who try to give me a massage anyway is priceless(

Since puberty my most frequently consumed sex-related viewing material by far is fairly academic in nature–I know a lot of things about a lot of parts, and a lot of ways to be safe in sexual situations, including ones that I frankly never plan to be involved in

So, my girlfriend tripped across mention of the Aneros online, sent me the info, and so today I received my Helix Syn. What follows is a pretty detailed account of how I used it for the first time.