Back In The Saddle

Got a pretty decent session in this morning. I’ve pretty much determined that only morning sessions are productive for me. I tried a evening session when the family was out, but I just couldn’t focus and relax like I do with my morning sessions.
Kicked it off with a 30 min edging session. I’m amazed that I have the willpower to hold off climax. Started off with the HS for about an hour. Pretty much spent the whole session laying on my left side experiencing p-waves after about 3 minutes relaxing and doing focused breathing. PC clenching had me nailing mini-orgasms, it was beautiful. I’ve been away from Anerosing for a few days and this experience was very rewarding. After about an hour I felt the urge to poo. Crap. Went to take care of business and cleaned off the HS but I wasn’t done so I went to get the Progasm ready. Got the PC in and boy can you feel the difference. Spent most of my time on my right side. This is the first time I’ve actually had a back to back comparison. PC is more filling (duh) and applies more pressure to the prostate. I noticed that my body responds differently to the HS and PC. The HS sensations were quick and rapid where the PC was slow but hit hard when the orgasms arrived. When I get both to start autof*cking, it’s all the same except the girth of the PC tears me up. It hurts so good. I find my sessions with the PC go about an hour before it just wears me out.

Nothing To See Here

Seriously, there is nothing to see here. I just wanted to keep track of my abstinence from Anerosing. I forced myself to take time off because I was doing it all the damn time, sometimes more than once a day. I’m falling in love with the Progasm Classic so I wanted to take time off and then take the Helix Syn back out. I found myself thinking about sex, and orgasms all the time. It was hard to focus on stuff. I felt great but I was perpetually horny. Weird. I couldn’t take my SR past Saturday, I went past the PONR during an edging session. That was quite the feeling. I didn’t notice any increase in volume or length of ejaculating, but the feeling was more intense than I’ve experienced in the past. The past couple days things have been normal. I’ll probably have a session tomorrow and see if I can cut down on my sessions but it’s so hard to do because the sensation is so addicting. Oh, and what is this binaural crap? That shit is incredible. I definitely have to look more into that but it was the weirdest experience.


I’m really liking this Progasm Classic. Got to sleep in a bit since I didn’t work and school was on a snow delay. Did my normal morning routine although I did spend a little time edging the little guy. I’m amazed at the control I had, it was weird. I’ve never thought of or even considered edging, I’ve always hammered to completion. We’ll see what happens, I’m curious to see the results after reading about others experiences. PC went in nice and easy, my butt must be getting used to it. Such a great feeling. It doesn’t take long to start getting that buzzing feeling in my loins. I must be able to get really relaxed and in tune quickly. I guess I’m gifted in that sense. I’m able to experience some p-waves within 5 minutes and then I’m able to trigger some involuntaries followed by some dry orgasms. Damn that shit is addicting. I’m making too much damn noise on the bed so I throw some pillows off the bed and move to the floor. I put a couple of pillows under stomach and lay face down with my butt in the air and start some light PC contractions. It’s not long before my ass is gyrating, my prostate starts throbbing and PC starts autof*cking me. I’m getting hammered but it feels so damn good. I lose track of time, I don’t know how long this goes on for. I finally roll over once the feelings subside to catch my breath. I have a sitting chair in my room so I move over to it and rest my feet on it so my legs are bent at a 90 degree angle and my butt is against the chair. I rest there for a few minutes and start another round of PC contractions to see if I can trigger another round of autof*cking. Yup, no problem although this time I’m bouncing off the floor and it is hitting my prostate hard and good. Holy shit it’s good. Once again I lose track of time, when it’s finally over I’m able to relax and catch my breath. This is fricken great. I’m writing this almost 10 hours after I finished, I’m tired and my muscles ache like after a good gym workout.


Woke up with an incredible erection again. It’s so nice to be getting those. Laid in bed enjoying it then got up to do my morning routine. After devoting my attention to the Progasm Classic, I decided on showing some love to the Helix Syn today. The session was pleasant, nothing really different from my past sessions with HS but it was a very different experience than the sessions with PC. I don’t know, I think it may be a size thing but l like the way the PC feels in me. I do notice more pre-cum being milked out although it’s not as excessive as I’ve read other members post. I’ve also noticed that in all my sessions I have not achieved an erection. I can get it any other time but not during a normal session. I did manage a wet orgasm while masturbating with HS inserted, but I didn’t get fully erect although my right eye started twitching. All day I was enjoying Aless at work, made for a very pleasant day. On my way home from work, my wife texted me that she wouldn’t be home for dinner. Great, I can get some alone time with PC. Ordinarily I would’ve just waited til morning but I had an itch that needed to be scratched. I can tell I’m getting more proficient at using the PC, it doesn’t cross my eyes as long anymore. I manage to get in about a 45 minute session before I hear the door and voices. The PC really rocks my world. It definitely makes me feel different. I managed to get it into autof**ck mode a couple of times, and it just make me feel like a dirty whore. The feelings are so intense with these Aneros products, I’m twitching in my chair just reflecting on the whole experience. Damn, I’m looking forward to this weekend.

Day Off

Decided to take the day off. If you read my previous blog entry you’d know I just got a Progasm Classic over the weekend. I had the maiden voyage which I blogged about but what I didn’t post is that I had two more sessions with it within 24 hours of the first. Things I learned is that for me, the sessions were of diminishing returns. The follow up sessions were still good but no where near the first session experience. Some interesting observations I made. I don’t know if it was “Aless” because I’m not sure I understand what it is but I had some very pleasurable sensations after the sessions with the Progasm Classic. Whenever I would pop off some kegel action, I would feel very pleasant down there. It made sitting at stop lights a happy time.
I’ve been reading a bunch of forum posts and think I’m going to give semen retention a shot. What have I got to lose? I’m not having sex with the wife and this Anerosing is really addictive, I don’t think I’ll miss ejaculating, this HFMO shit is the bomb. Oh well, we’ll see what happens, I’m looking forward to a work delay to get a prolonged session in tomorrow before work. Peace.

New Ride

I added another Aneros to the Arsenal and picked up a Progasm Classic. I’ve been reading reviews and doing research and decided to give that bad boy a whirl. I was worried about the size of it since I’m a relative newcomer to the butt toy scene but the reviews I read had me confident I could handle it. Pictures don’t do it justice. You have to handle it to appreciate the awesomeness of it all. Having it next to the Helix Syn I started to question my sanity. “Really dude? You want to stick that in your bum?” I really didn’t have to do anything different, just took it nice and slow. I slowly eased the Progasm in and it was crazy good. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I’m tingling now just thinking about it. It was nice and filling, no pain, just firm, gentle pressure. Damn, it felt good. I laid there just getting used to the feeling. A few minutes passed by and that familiar twitch came in and triggered a cycle of p-waves. Ok, good stuff, now let’s see what some kegeling would do. Now normally with the Helix, I would clench and trigger a mini-o. With the Progasm it didn’t happen. “That’s weird.” I thought as I released and took a breath. BAM! It hit me, the strongest orgasm I think I’ve ever experienced. It was a total ab workout that folded me in half. They lasted for, I’m guessing, 5-10 seconds. Holy shit, I had to focus on my breathing and did some slight clenching to keep it going. These waves of orgasms had me in nirvana. “Don’t f**king stop!” I lost track after 5 and just focused on breathing and triggering the orgasm. What? I can trigger it? Damn, here I thought I just let go and let my body take over but I could actually control some of what was happening. I’m a f**king Pilot! I tested this out and I could start p-waves and trigger different responses by body position and muscle tension and breathing patterns. Damn this is frickin AWESOME! I kept experimenting with different things and loved how I could control it, this session was an epic trip. I don’t know if this experience was the result of the Progasm or my self “awakening” to the Aneros experience but it doesn’t really matter, it was mind blowing just the same.

I Wasn’t Going To

I swear I wasn’t going to. I planned on taking a day off. My wife is going to be out of town all day tomorrow so I was just going to save it all and not do anything today. I’m glad I didn’t.
I thought I’d just lay in bed and edge for a bit and see how far I could take it but my itch got the best of me. For some silly reason I decided to do a little anal exploration. I’ve never taken the time to really check my self out down there and I didn’t have to work today so I had a bunch of time. Pulled out a glove and some lube, put a dollop of ‘glide on a couple fingers and worked em in. Interesting, I learned a lot about my body during this time. What muscles do what when I clench and how it feels. Cool. Then I got that itch. Crap, I might as well, I got everything out. Went to the closet to retrieve the Helix Syn and prep him for duty. I opted to put a condon over it to keep it from retaining odor. He was getting a bit stinky and I figured I’d give it a shot. I don’t know if it makes a difference in performance but today’s session was incredible. I did my pre-ritual lube job and lubed inside and outside the condom. Insertion was effortless and I settled in, laying on my back and relaxing. A couple minutes into it and I got some butt twitches that triggered p-waves, Awesome. I rode those for a few minutes, then the feelings subsided. I caught my breath an rolled over on my side. Glanced at the clock and figured out I was going for 10 minutes, cool. I’m always amazed at how much time flies when you’re having fun. I started doing some really deep, focused breathing to relax. I concentrated on trying to get every muscle in my body to release tension. OMG, it worked! The next thing I know my hips start gyrating and my glutes start twitching and I’m thrashing around on my side. I maintain my breathing pattern and start throwing in light PC clenching. BINGO! I start going into what I’m guessing are orgasms because that’s what it feels like but I’m not ejaculating anything. I’m knocking em out left and right and it’s not stopping. Is this what a MMO feels like? Holy crap, I don’t want it to stop. I finally roll onto my back to get my foot off the throttle and realize it’s been a fricken half hour. You gotta be kidding me, OMG! After a couple of minutes I roll over to my other side and settle into the fetal position. After a few minutes of relaxed breathing, it happens again. Great googlie mooglie, this is AWESOME! I’m riding waves and hammering orgasms in an endless stream, I’m in euphoric bliss! I’ve always wondered what women experienced when they have multiple orgasms, now I know. Once I got settled down, I look at the clock and see that I’ve been going at it for an hour. A few minutes later I hear alarms going off. Damn, time to end it.


I woke up with a raging hard on that a cat couldn’t scratch. It was my normal piss wake up call. Got up to pee and laid back down in bed but the little guy wouldn’t go away. I lightly stroked him and glanced at the clock. I did some higher level math and determined that I had enough time to get a session in with the Helix. I’ve got my routine down now and I quickly prep for action. My butt practically sucks in the Helix and I do some slight adjustments to get him all nice and comfy. I start my breathing routine and 15 minutes later I start some light kegeling. It doesn’t take long for the sensations to start. Damn, it’s such a trip. I cannot get over how great this feels. I felt so horny, I got on my hands and knees and totally lost it. I was bucking like a bronco, the Helix doing a number on my prostate, I think it was in autof**k because it would not stop. I had my ass up in the air moving like a fricken jackhammer, it was incredible. I was finally able to stop and I rolled onto my back to catch my breath. I was laying with my knees together to the left side when the twitching started up again. Once again, incredible sensations, wave after wave hit me. I believe I had several dry-o’s and my abs got a workout. I did not want it to stop. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know why I never knew about this sooner. I think this world would be a nicer place if every male could have the Aneros experience.