The Keys to the Backdoor

There are a lot of different approaches to mastering the aneros and no one path is more valid than another. The below is taken directly from the aneros wiki. I wanted to bring attention to this summary because I think that these are the basics. It is a great starting place, especially with so much material out there to digest. I think it can be argued that this simplification has common threads that will enhance any technique or approach you might take. In truth it takes a fair amount of self exploration to find what works for you. Just remember to enjoy yourself and have fun and you can do no wrong. Try your best not to get caught up in frustration and be happy wherever the session takes you.

*The Keys to the backdoor*

There is no master key to the Super O. There are a series of keys to get you to and through the final Super O doorway. Your journey will be a process of exploration and discovery; these keys will be your guides.

**Clean the slate.**

Put out of your mind all of the thought processes by which you achieve a traditional penile orgasm.

Open yourself up to different forms of sensations that do not involve any direct penis stimulation whatsoever.

Remove the burden of expectation that plagues many men and leads to frustration.

Understand that one never forces this to happen, but encourages it by generating certain stimuli and responding to them naturally.