How long do you hold contractions for?

I’ve been working on reverse kegels and I think I’m getting somewhere – approximately how long do you hold the contractions for? Constantly, while it’s feeling good?/ For as long as it takes- or for short periods, intermittently?

Location of pleasurable sensations

When you are having an aneros and/or aless session where do you feel pleasure?

When I start a session, I feel nice light tingling sensations in the prostate and general region, but when I have anything close to what I consider might be an O it’s mostly localised in my head.

I normally roll aless these days and focus on the feeling of a growing pleasurable pressure in my head and tend to ignore the tinglings downstairs as much as possible. These “clouds” that build in my head can then lead to “lightning bolts” of pleasure localised in particular parts of my brain. I’m not certain I’ve had the same experiences people describe here because I’m not sure I understand the metaphor of the waves of pleasure, but these jolts of pleasure I feel are often crazy strong.

Interested to hear what it feels like for you, do you also have a pleasurable heaviness/feeling of pressure building inside your head? Does this sometimes lead to lightning bolts of pleasure – but again not localised in /near the prostate?

Is it possible to rewire with aless sessions?

I’m really enjoying aless sessions and feel I’m nearly on the brink of a break through, but sessions with toys are not working so well for me. Has anyone “rewired” using aless only? Is it possible? Or should I work on aneros sessions every couple of days to improve my progress?