Cross-leg figure four position

I was having a session with the Progasm Ice earlier… and as i was resting my right leg, i discovered a new position that works great!

I pulled this picture randomly from google. [Try this](… while lying down of course.

[x-post from ProstatePlay][Request] [Aneros Alternatives] High quality ABS plastic prostate massagers

Apart from:

Aneros Progasm JR and

Aneros Progasm Ice / Ice Black / Ice Red

**are there any other toys made of high quality ABS plastic with a smooth finish?**

I own a Progasm Ice and Progasm JR and they’re both amazing! However i’d like to add more massagers to my collection. Bigger, smaller… i don’t care. As long as they can provide with different sensations.

Although i like the design of the Eupho classic (because it’s longer and more mobile), i’m hesitant to order it.

I’ve read many reviews regarding the Eupho, MGX and Helix classic (which were made by cheaper plastic) that they have a “rougher” finish and some people have used sandpapers or emery boards to make them smoother. If you have any input regarding this matter, i’d want to hear it.

So, do you have any other suggestions, from another brand?

Please stay on topic. **High quality ABS plastic.** I’m not interested at all in silicon toys.

Rewiring update? What happened to me?

2 days ago, i had a 1,5h session with the Progasm Ice and although i didn’t get strong sensations from my prostate… i think i somehow awakened my spine, or my Kundalini, or my Chakras or whatever those things are called.

During every involuntary contraction, i was feeling a pleasurable sensation… like an electric current running from my anus, to my tailbone and lower back… and at the same time i was feeling an intense warm sensation below my chest. It built up slowly (like i was getting fucked sensually), and it resulted in a full-body orgasm which lasted for 3-5 minutes.

When it ended, i wasn’t drained. It felt like i was floating peacefully.

2 days later, my spine is still tingling when i’m sitting down or lying down. It’s not distracting, neither i’m freaked out. On the contrary, i like exploring new things and new sensations, but this one i can’t quite understand it.


For anyone who recently read my [Progasm JR Review] (, i edited my original post with an update. I’m really starting to like it!!!

Now let’s talk about the Progasm Ice. For anyone who’s wondering, it’s the same size as the Progasm Classic. However the Progasm Ice is made of ABS plastic (similar to Progasm JR) and it’s smoother than the Classic.

Fast forward to my session. With a lot of lube and some slow relaxing breaths, i put that thing in place relatively easily. Unexperienced users, might have a lot of trouble however!

The initial sensation was very pleasing and full-filling! This thing fit inside my ass like a jigsaw puzzle! My cock become immediately hard and it started oozing precum like crazy… and whenever i was contracting my PC and anal muscles, my cock was bouncing like a hammer! When i started playing with my nipples, my whole body was shaking and i could feel waves of pleasure everywhere! Alhough i didn’t keep time… i believe i had at least 3 mini-orgasms in less than 30 minutes.

Quickly after that, my prostate felt VERY overwhelmed. The pleasurable sensations were replaced with “sharp” (almost painful) sensations. I knew right then i had to take a step back, relax and then take it out.

Bottom line… the Progasm Ice is a great massager, but it needs to be used gently!

For the time being i’m planning on:

[Progasm] [JR] [Junior] [Review]

Some info about myself:

I’ve been experimenting with anal play since i was 18 (now i’m 31). I used to play with 1,5″ thick buttplugs many years ago. During the last 2 years i’m mostly getting fucked with 1.25 – 1,5″ thick strapons.

I had tried prostate play in the past… but i was disappointed with my choices. For example the Rocks-off Rudeboy was too long and the vibrations were an overkill. Then i bought the Nexus Excel which was too big and uncomfortable… and in the end i just lost my interest.

During the last 6 months, i’ve been listening to erotic audios and my body started to respond to different sensations. I’ve had many HFO’s and some of them were equally strong to what people refer as super-o’s. These orgasms rekindled my interest for direct prostate play… and i thought it was the perfect time to finally buy an Aneros.

I was between buying the Progasm JR and Progasm Ice… and i bought the former (another wrong choice). 😛 I was very excited in the beginning with it’s smoothness and how easily my butt swallowed it… but quickly i realized that it was a little bit too short. It was barely reaching my prostate (i ‘m 5’10 tall) and it didn’t put enough pressure against it. I got p-waves and i even had multiple mini-o’s… but i’m certain i need to go bigger. Visualizing the Progasm Ice (i ordered it this morning) which is longer and thicker… i’m 99% that it will be a perfect fit!