Having aless pwaves/pgasms and cannot sleep

TL;DR I am currently on my second night of no sleep. Send help.

I’ve been at this whole prostate pleasure thing for many years now. Have a Helix Syn and love it to death; this sub was very useful for figuring out the techniques <3

About a year ago, I finally had a super O and also was able to experience Aless pleasure. Having spent years to get to the top of the proverbial mountain, I felt incredibly satisfied with myself.

Fast forward to two or three days ago. I hadn’t done any prostate play in a long time, and had reverted to jerking off. I think I overdid it though, because my prostate kinda stung sometimes.

Anyways, I had smoked some bud and was feeling pretty good but not at all in a mood for an Aneros sesh (had shit to do in the morning lol) when I was suddenly overcome by a massive Aless super O that came out of nowhere and blindsided me. When it happened, I was pleasantly surprised, but the thing is.. it was only the beginning.

It seems the progressive relaxation techniques are a double edged sword..

Now, whenever I’m trying to sleep, I get intense pwaves and I literally can’t sleep. It’s the second night of no sleep. I feel like absolute shit but God, it feels so damn good too.. fuck

Send help.