Found a cheat code?

I thought I would quickly share a recent experience from the other day. I found myself with some time for a session with my Eupho on a day where I had came the night before.

I figured I would try as I have had success with HFDOs in this situation.

So I have a typical session (with THC) for about 90mins which wasn’t very successful but not a waste of time.

At this point I was tired and decided I would finish myself off but do some edging as this feels really good before finishing.

During this edging magic happened! I found that I could keep myself in an amazing dry orgasm by just barely stimulating my penis with 1 hand and playing with my nipple with the other.

I would say I had 5mins or more of continuous orgasms this way and felt very in control…if I got too close to finishing I would stop for a few moments and continue. Ultimately I did take it too far which was the grand finale.

Has anyone done this?

I feel like it’s cheating and I’m not sure how I feel about continuing to do this as it could stunt my progress in the “traditional method”….I guess I can just save it for the times when I want the session to end in a wet orgasm!

“Advanced” Nipple play recommendations

I was wondering if anyone here has experience with nipple toys, clamps etc while using aneros?

I love playing with my nipples while I have sessions which is mostly just with my hands. This makes my prostate come alive so I am thinking if I “up my nipple game” I can have even better results.

Any advice or feedback would be appreciated

Finally Ditched my knockoff for the real deal!

I wanted to share some recent updates in my progress as maybe someone will find the info useful..

After too long using a knockoff (prostimulator vx1)… I finally got my hands on a Eupho trident and I will say it was well worth the investment!

I decide to go Eupho since a lot of users on here report that it is one of the best for those with experience. This is a bucket I thought I fell into since I’ve been using my knock off for quite some time and have had a number of both wet and dry orgasms.

As of late with the knock off, I’ve been on a streak of having HFWOs which can be frustrating. Lke most, you abstain for multiple days and look forward to the possibility of a session with many amazing dry orgasms only to have a 30min session ending in a wet orgasm.

With minimal usages, I am already very happy with the results the Eupho.

I’ve successfully had a session with a nice dry orgasm after only 2 days of abstaining and a much lower amount of THC then I would prefer to use.

What made me really happy was during the HFDO, I had no feeling that I was in danger of “spilling over” Into an ejaculation which is not the with my knockoff.

1st successful Dry O and thoughts

I wanted to share that I had my first successful dry orgasm!

For those starting out you really must be patient as it is a long journey. It is strongly suggested you read all the tips on this Reddit and continue to experiment to find out what works for you.

When I started I really did not understand or believe this “Rewiring” concept. However after all the progress I have made over the last year that is the most accurate way to describe the process.

Tonight’s success took me about 45mins of play before the magic happened. I can describe this orgasm as about 80% of a traditional orgasm but lasted for several minutes. With plenty of time to spare I took a quick break and got back to it.

It took me about another 15 minutes to start my second orgasm. This time it was more intense but after ~30 seconds it spilled over into an amazing HFWO.

I can’t wait until my next sessions as I know from reading there is even better things ahead!

Mini dry orgasms?

I’ve had more success that I wanted to share. Typical 3 days without ejaculating and 1 hour before the season I took a 10mg edible.

This time I did use porn as I was very horny. After about 30mins of really nice feelings I tried switching back to just some audio which took a bit of time but really brought on great feelings that had me think I was going to orgasm. After about 10mins of this I decided to take a break and get a drink of water.

This is when it got interesting. I went back to porn and this time I got myself into a sort of trance and brought on a strange type of orgasm. It felt really nice, like the warm glow you feel when a traditional orgasm starts. This time it just stayed and with each contraction came what I would described as micro orgasms..almost like “spikes” of pleasure which peaked and retracted with each relaxation.

Since I didn’t know what would come next I just tried to let it happen and not change anything. Unfortunately this faded after about 1minute.

I called this a win for the night and decided to end with a traditional orgasm which was amazing.

One thing I can share that i have learned is that there does not seem to be any short cuts or earth shattering advice that will get you to where you want to be. There is something to this “rewiring” term as I just continue to practice and my sessions get better and better with little surprises along the way.

Major Progress on edibles

Recently had what I consider a breakthrough on my quest for dry orgasms.

I have read so much about how sensitive edibles make you and I can now attest to this!

About one hour before I planned a session I took what was roughly 10mg of a Sativa gummy. Once I started to play it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced!

It felt like to toy had a mind of its own fucking me with my own contractions. I was so sensitive that I started grinding the toy against the bed while laying on my back and I couldn’t understand how I didn’t orgasm from that. This is typically something that would give me very little sensation in a sober session.

As part of my routine I also use an oculus 2 to watch porn and at various times I wanted to try and change videos but I felt almost trapped/stuck twitching and writhing unable to bring my hand to grab the controller.

Unfortunately I did not plan enough ahead to abstain for more than a day before hand which is why I somehow was not able to wet or dry orgasm.

I am planning on trying very soon with 2-3 days in hopes of finally making it happen!

How to transition from wet to dry?

Can anyone give some advice one how to transition from having HFWO to dry?

I am finally at the point where It seems like I can reliably have a wet orgasm in less than an hour. (30mins is the fastest so far!)

What works for me is inserting the toy, put on porn and play with my nipples. As I start to get an erection the pleasure builds up and feels great. Once I have a full erection the feelings progress as i start to do some light contractions but eventually the feelings sort of die off. At this point I take a short break (1 or 2mins) to find a different video and repeat the cycle with each time feeling better than the last until a HFWO.

Will this ever get me to a dry O or should I start looking elsewhere?

And help or previous post for reference would be greatly appreciated