I finally did it!!!! [multiple orgasms]

Tonight, nearly one year after I first purchased my Aneros De-Vice, I had my first instance of multiple prostate orgasms. Up until now, most Aneros sessions ended with me getting impatient and masturbating normally. I have also been strengthening my PC muscles over the past year, which made a huge difference tonight.

I’ve come to the conclusion that relaxation is quite possibly the most important factor – at least for me. Lately I’ve been trying to cut back on porn, because I noticed that I’ve had the urge to masturbate multiple times per day – sometimes 3 or more – and its been getting in the way of me getting my work done. I decided that for at least the next month, I will only masturbate if I can take my time and do it mindfully, without any porn, which is exactly what I did tonight. I started out just doing some breathing exercises while different parts of my body, and slowly moved on to lubing up the De-Vice and easing it in. Once it was in I started really focusing on trying to feel in the moment – how my hand felt on my penis and vice versa, while also focusing on how my muscle contractions were slowly massaging my prostate. Eventually the P Waves started, and as I neared orgasm I suddenly flexed my pc muscles, at which point I felt like I was carried across some kind of threshold and delivered into my first full-on dry orgasm! I repeated this process two more times, each orgasm more satisfying than the last, before finishing with an explosive cum. Easily one of the best masturbation sessions of my entire life.