How much bigger is the Progasm over the MGX?

Relatively new to this whole world.

I started out with the MGX. Purchase decision basically based around what Amazon had in stock at the time I was buying (this was at the height of the pandemic).

I want to pick up a second Aneros I used the online toy recommender thing on their site and the recommendation that came up based on my preferences (vigorous stimulation, solo use, non vibrating) was the Progasm.

I understand that this is going to considerably larger than what I’m currently using.

Is this too big a leap for a rookie like me? Is there something that might provide a better intermediate step?

MGX – will just doing nothing really work?

I picked up an Aneros MGX last year and have tried it a handful of times.

So far I’ve managed to get some pleasure from it but not the elusive pgasm – whether dry or otherwise.

I’ve tried manually moving it using the kundilini handle even though I heard it’s not recommended. I’ve tried contracting and relaxing my anal sphincter.

I’ve tried various positions and various kinds of thrusting.

Someone that I picked up on /r/prostateplay however sounded very promising.

Someone commented that you can do literally nothing – as in just lie there – and the natural peristalsis of your anal muscles will sort of manually push the toy in and out therefore stimulating your prostate.

Obviously you have to be in the right frame of mine. But… If the more vigorous methods of stimulation have thus far failed me does doing nothing other than lying there with it in hold any potential for success?