Asleep during first HFO…

So I’ve been using Helix/Progasm a while without much joy other than occasional increases in heart rate. I read something yesterday about using the helix ‘inverted’ so I thought I’d try it! Well bugger me after trying to relax for an hour or so as I drifted off I had my first full HFO. The only other results I’ve had previously were also as I was drifting off. Clearly some part of my conscious is either blocking progress or I’m not relaxed enough. Any recommendations for relaxing? Tried breathing & meditation etc. Illegal drugs inc week are not an option for me… TIA.

No pleasurable feelings?

Hi all. I’ve been using Helix & Progasm for a while. I’ve had mild involuntarily responses including increased heart rate and flashes of arousel but nothing I would describe as pleasurable. I keep reading that even without HFO/Super O that the process of massaging should be pleasurable but I’m not getting anything. Am I doing something wrong??

Action starts when falling asleep! Help!

I’ve been practising for a few years with hardly any results. Started with Mindgasm and apart from one session when I got the alternating muscle contractions (which caused me to panic & lose it!) I’ve had no results at all. I recently tried the 20m relaxing, 10m breathing/contractions, 10m holding a low contraction & then doing nothing. I’ve got a strong rolling contraction going on but nothing happens, nothing pleasurable as such. Until I fall asleep it seems! I wake up with my heart racing & strong contractions that stop as I wake up. The other night I woke up in a state of bliss, felt like I was floating – but again, I lost it as I gradually woke up.

Any ideas what to do next? How do I stay awake during this! I’m guessing it’s a relaxation thing but I’m not sure what to do next. I’m already so relaxed I’m falling asleep!! ☺️

Thanks in advance…