Medical Benefits?

I’m new to the forum and came here quite by accident. I’ve been diagnosed and suffer from infrequent yet acute episodes of proctalgia fugax. It’s a very sharp pain in the rectum that is pure agony, but doesn’t usually last more than 20 minutes for me. I may have an episode once every six weeks or so. Proctaliga fugax is thought to be caused by spasms of the rectum and/or the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Anyway, while researching, I ran across a video recommending prostate massage in order to relax pelvic floor muscles. While investigating prostate massagers, I found this Reddit group. Besides the sexual benefits, has anyone experienced a significant medical benefit from an Aneros? I am a straight man and have zero experience in anything anal…except for the occasional fugax flare-up. Could regular prostate massage reduce or eliminate episodes of proctalgia fugax? Or would inserting a device inside me regularly just make things worse?