The continuing orgasms

I have been playing with my Aneros toys now for about 4 yrs. I love the feelings and the pleasure I get from them. But from the very first time I got a supper O, they have always been hands free wet orgasms. Which would end my session, because I would lose the horny feeling. But the other day I was having sex and was very high on gummies. During sex I have a major O. And then I started getting non stop mini Os one after the other. Just like I read about in the forms and blogs. My body was on fire it did not matter where I was touched another mini O would fire off. I was able to cum 4 times during out hours of sex, cumming each time and able to keep going without losing my hard on. It was incredible the mini Os were non stop, because my partner was touching my body everywhere and sucking on my nipples, my body was tingling all over. My prostate was on fire and I did not even have a toy in me. But it felt like there was the helix sync in there moving on its own. This lasted so long it was like a dream. I started to get worried because hours after the sex stopped I was still getting mini Os. Without even having my partner touch me. I was finally about to fall asleep and the minis Os stopped. But all I can say is I can’t wait to see if I can get back to that state where the mini Os are non stop. I would like to know if any one has had this happen to them after using the toys.


Just a quick question I have been playing with my Aneros Helix for about two years now I had some great experiences with it but have not hit the supper O. I have tried CBD oils with no effect. I was wondering if any one has tried poppers they are said to relax you for bottoming. Love to hear if anyone has had luck with them and how it worked.