How long do your sessions last? What was the longest?

I like to get into an almost meditative state when I use the aneros. Often i will throw on a long cock-hero or porn compilation and zone out while watching it.

I usually use mary-jane or adderall to help me zone in because otherwise I will get distracted and start cleaning or something. But usually I go for 45 minutes to maybe 3 hrs max, with 1-10 waves of super-o’s in there.

Any I have a couple days with my apartment to myself coming up where I was thinking of trying to go basically all day. Maybe complete the story-line to [Cock Hero Island 4]( which is like 7 hours long in total. (Kinda nerdy but I know this sub isn’t judgmental) I would take breaks every so often during that time to reset, but am wondering if that’s too long.

On the aneros forums there are some old posts by guys saying they go 12+ hours with breaks sprinkled throughout.

So my questions are:

1. How long is a normal session for you?

2. How long is a special occasion session/How long do your longest sessions last?

3. Do you use multiple toys during a long session?