Multiple HFO and rewiring in 4 weeks

Hi again. Unlike my last posts, I’m not going to describe you my latest session. I’m here to tell you that rewiring is possible and that all efforts made in order to achieve HFO are completely worth it. As some of you may know, I started focusing on my prostate 4 weeks ago. Since then, I haven’t had any penile masturbation, and I can really tell you that I don’t miss it.

Just a month ago I was lost, I really tried my best to follow all the tips I’d been reading on reddit, but nothing was happening while playing with my prostate. I then realized that chasing a sensation was sabotaging myself. I had never had a prostate orgasm before, so I could not look for one, I just had to have fun and, someday, it would come. It finally did.

During these last weeks the pleasure I’ve been getting from my prostate has only increased. I don’t even know where the limits are now because each session is better than the previous one. I can now say that I have had prostate orgasms. I wasn’t sure about it, but yesterday I realized that all those amazing sensations were orgasms. I mean, as we are used to penile orgasms, we can’t distinguish any other until we have finally rewired our prostate/nipples. During yesterday’s session I had several very strong prostate orgasms and I ended with a HFWO. It has been my best sexual experience. The thing is that, after the previous session, I felt the same. Which means that the limits of pleasure are unthinkable until we feel something better.

It is getting intense

Hi again! I have been telling you my adventures with my new wand during my last sessions. This one will be similar, however, I’m looking forward to playing with my aneros next time. Let’s begin!

So, as usual, I took a shower and cleaned myself. Unfortunately, water went too deep, so I had to clean myself again once more (be careful with the amount of water while anal douching). I headed to my bedroom, put some towels on my bed and prepared the lube and the toy. This time I also used a syringe to insert some lube, as I’m struggling with it since my toy dries while playing with it (I’ll be looking for some new lube). I lubed the wand and I slid it in.

I found my spot quite quickly, but I took the toy out to add some more lube. I reached the same point once again and I started playing. As told you in my last post, my strategy is to move the wand as if it was a joystick, it really works for me (remember that all of us are different). While playing with the wand, I also started to relax more and more by breathing deeply. At some point, I got to feel my toy rocking against my prostate, it was a nice sensation.

I was brought back to life

Hi again. Today I’m going to talk about my last sessions, both of which happened yesterday. Let’s start.

After uploading my last post, I was feeling really excited and I wanted to play with my new wand again. So, I prepared everything and lubed the toy. This time I wanted to focus on my prostate, but it seems my ass wanted to continue with the “how much can you take?” contest. I tried different positions, but I didn’t get to feel anything special, so I decided to end my session. I wasn’t feeling frustrated, I was just quite lost.

Some minutes later, I decided to have some nipple fun. You know that my nipples are quite sensitive and that I can have HFWO by stimulating them. It wasn’t easy, but I got what I wanted. I really wanted to take some fluids out, and my body helped me with a HFWO (it wasn’t the best I have ever had, but an orgasm is an orgasm). After cleaning myself up, I went to train.

While training I was extremely exhausted, I was a zombie. It seems that ejaculating + the stress from work + not sleeping all the hours I needed = my zombie state. I really wanted to have another session later that night, but I didn’t know if my body would be able to do so.

It was a disaster, but what a disaster

Hi again. After my last post I had another aneros session that was as intense as the one I told you about, however, today I’m going to tell you about my new toy. Let’s begin.

So, as I told you, I ordered a new toy, []( , it is an arc-shaped wand that vibrates. I wanted to buy it as it is similar to the njoy pure wand, but it is cheaper. It was supposed to arrive next week, but I was lucky enough to get it yesterday. So, well, I was excited.

I followed my usual routine, I took a shower, cleaned myself up and prepared my bed. I had asked for some tips and I was told to use my habitual position, so that’s what I did. I lubed the toy as good as I could and I started inserting it. I have to say that I had never inserted anything bigger than my prostate vibrator, which is no much bigger than my aneros, so I was excited and worried at the same time. I grabbed the toy from the thickest part and I slid the other end. My ass started taking it with no difficulty (the toy is not really thick) and I started enjoying the sensation of having something inside me.

I couldn’t continue

Hi again. These last days I’ve had several sessions with my aneros and I have enjoyed each of them more than the previous one. It seems that my new toy is about to arrive. I was supposed to have it next week, but it seems that I will have it today or tomorrow, so i’m really looking forward to playing with it. That being said, let’s begin.

Last night I followed my usual routine. I had a shower, cleaned my insides and headed to my bedroom. I put some towels on my bed and lubed the toy. I slid it in and I decided to start with the doggie position, as I wanted to give it another try. I really didn’t feel a thing, but I was comfortable. However, I decided to get on my usual position a few minutes later.

Once I laid on my back and had my knees bent, I started to take deep breaths in order to relax myself. I must also say that this time I put a towel under my hips. I’m glad I did it, my aneros was able to move more freely thanks to this and it really improved my session. After feeling relaxed, I started to percieve my prostate, as the aneros was pressing against it. It was not a strong sensation, but my legs started shaking some seconds later. I also started stimulating my nipples and I focused on my breathing, I was feeling great.

Playing with my aneros

Hi again. As said in my last post, I was going to take a break as my horniness had decreased due to playing too much, good news, it’s come back. Today I’m not going to be specific about one or two sessions, I’m gonna tell you what I’ve been doing these days. For this reason, some of the information will be mixed, as I don’t really remember all the details, but I’m going to try to be as detailed as possible. So, let’s begin.

After having a short session on Wednesday, I decided to stop for a day or two. On Friday night I was already horny, so I decided to play before going to bed. I took a shower, cleaned myself up and headed to my bedroom. There, I put some towels on my bed and lay back in my usual position, with my knees bent and my feet flat. I decided to use an aneros, as I had been using my prostate vibrator during my last sessions. I relaxed, fingered myself a little bit to stretch my ass, lubed my toy and I inserted my helix trident.

Being horny is important

Hi again, today, as usual, I’ll be telling you about my last sesssion. The thing is that tomorrow and maybe the following day there will be no posts (I’ll explain you why later). Anyway, don’t worry, I’ll come back.

So, yesterday, after uploading my last post I decided to have a short session before training. I had an hour, a prostate vibrator and lube, everything made sense in my mind. I put some towels on the floor and lay back with my knees bent and my feet flat. I lubed the prostate vibrator and I slided it in. It went into me quite easily, since I usually have to insert it, take it out and insert it again for it to feel comfotable. You must also know that I am starting to feel my ass more “accessible”. I mean, it hasn’t become bigger or something like that, but fingering myself in the shower or inserting toys has become easier, I guess I have stretched my whole and learned to relax my muscles.

Let’s continue. I switched on the vibration of the toy using its first pattern, the continuous but weak vibration, it felt great. I was feeling my prostate being stimulated with each vibration and I even started to say words. I continued like this for some minutes until I decided to change the patterns.

Starting to feel my prostate

Hi, before starting to tell you about my last session, I would like to know whether you would prefer me to create a community to post my experiences. I know some of you follow me and read my posts everyday, would it make it easier for you? Well, after this small disclaimer, let’s start.

As always, I had a shower and headed to my room, where I put some towels on my bed before lying back. I lubed my prostate vibrator and slided it in. Today I wanted to try my vibrator again, as I had great results the previous day. The aim of the session was to relax and to get to feel my prostate better and, SPOILER: I did it.

Once I was more relaxed, I switched on my toy and set the first pattern, the weak but continuous vibration. I loved it, I started to feel how my prostate was being stimulated with each beat, it was awesome. I relaxed more and more and the sensations I was obtaining from the toy became stronger. I continued like this for some more minutes until my ass started to move the toy. It was amazing, my body was reacting to the vibration and was trying to get my prostate closer to its source. At this point, my legs had already been shaking for a long time and I even started to say some words (softly) such as “fuck”, “keep going” or “oh yeah”. It is the first time I get to be vocal and I loved it.

2 sessions

Hi again. As usual, I’m about to tell you how my prostate play is going, however, this post will be double, as I had 2 sessions instead of one. So, let’s start!

As you may now, I had my first prostate orgasm 2 days ago while I was playing with my aneros helix trident. I had just uploaded my last post when I felt the urges to play with my prostate again, but, this time, I wanted to use my prostate vibrator and see what kind of feelings would my prostate give me after my last session. Instead of using my regular position, I put some towels on the floor and lay back putting my legs on my bed (imagine yourself sitting on a chair, now imanige that the chair is on the floor, that was it). I don’t usually use this position, but I didn’t want to “prepare” my bed for the session and this toy works well with my legs up, so I went for it.

I lubed the toy and I slided it in. I got used to it and relaxed before switching it on. Once my body was prepared, I set the first pattern, the weak but continuous vibration, and I started to relax more and more. I didn’t expect anything to happen, but I started to feel the vibrations in my prostate. The sensations were great and I started to feel some p-waves, I focused on them. I tried to breathe more slowly as the toy was massaging my gland. It started to feel better and better until my began to moan some low “aaaaaaaaaah”. My body started to feel great, the pleasure was taking me over while the vibrations continued rocking my prostate. I couldn’t believe I was able to get this kind of sensations again after last night’s fun time.

I’ve done it!

Hi again. Before starting to tell you about last night’s session, let me remind you that all the experiences that I’m sharing are completely subjective, which means that each person may feel different things or may link different feelings/sensations to different words. Take in mind that everyone is different and that what works for me might not work for you. Having said this, I can start telling you about the life changing experience last night’s session was.

I followed my usual routine. I had a shower and prepared everything for my session(you already know this, let’s skip it and go to the good part. Well, I’m happy to say that today there were no water leaks, hehe). Once I was on my bed, I lubed my finger and I started stimulating my ass with it in order to lube and stretch my insides. My finger was giving me good feelings, I wasn’t feeling my prostate or something, but I really enjoy touching myself. Once I felt I was prepared, I took my finger out, I lubed my aneros helix trident and, slowly, I slided it in. I firstly introduced 1/3 of the toy, then 2/3 and my ass happily took the rest while giving me pleasurable sensations. In this moment, I lay back and let my body do its thing.