A New Position!

Lunch time today proved to be very interesting. After starting a session on my back, I felt like I needed the Eupho to be a little more “free” in its exploration. I rolled over on my stomach and pulled on on my knees just a bit, spreading my legs so that my cock was about 3” off of the bed. Holy shit was that a good move! It felt as if it was dancing about on my prostate, my anus tugging and pulling it in hard on its own. Wave after wave of orgasms began taking over. As i would flex and began to release, my prostate took over and devoured it again! I’ve been buzzing all afternoon!

It really felt fantastic to have it move with a little more freedom and not be restricted by my cheeks. This one is certainly worth a try!

Helix Syn/Eupho Trident Breakfast Combo

I was completing my morning routine and decided I had the time for a 30 min session. I had used the Progasm Ice yesterday, so I grabbed my Helix Syn. After about 15 mins I didn’t feel as though I’d make it to super o status in the time I had left. I’d had some great p waves and my prostate was humming nicely, so I switched to my Eupho Trident. 30 seconds was all it took to get my abs and hips erupting with pleasure. I was able to manipulate the Eupho and have it dance around on my prostate, trying not to clench or flex too hard. My prostate had other ideas however, as it pulled it in, not wanting to let it go. I hated to stop. I was a sweaty mess, prostate buzzing and wanting more. The “Breakfast of Champions”!

Dialed In

Great session after work today! I relaxed for about 10 mins and concentrated on how good it felt when the Helix found my prostate. I’d let it brush against it, alternating the strength of my flexing. Some bearing down, others 1/2 strength. As I would change from legs up feet flat to more of a bowed position with feet touching, I’d sway my hips a little to let the Helix brush across my prostate side to side. This immediately started the involuntary flexing which led into full blown orgasms. I strung about 8 or 9 of them together, one right after another. Ive really gotten to the point of dialing in and focusing on those motions (flexing, KegaIs, position changes) that push my prostate from that warm glowing feeling to over the edge. I hated to stop but I had other things to do.


Due to a busy schedule, I had no “me” time this weekend. This morning when I got up, I decided I would ride my Progasm Ice while getting ready for work. I inserted it after I showered and I, although distracted, went about my morning routine. The feelings were somewhat the same walking around with it, but it had more of a side to side motion which felt incredible! Right before I began dressing, I put both hands on the vanity. I slowly started flexing my sphincter drawing the ice further inside me. I started to do my kegals and immediately began to have an orgasm. Abs quivering, legs shaking Holy Shit! A fantastic way to begin my day!

Center of the Universe

I was finally able to get some “me” time so I started a session. Flat on my back pillow underneath the small of my back with feet flat on the bed. After about three minutes I started the first of five p-waves that rocked my hips, abs and the bed literally! They came one right after another and when I hit the fifth I was moaning out loud for the first time, uncontrollably! I didn’t want it to end! This certainly took me to a different place/state emotionally, physically and metaphysically. As odd as this sounds I felt like my prostate was the center of the universe and every time the Helix found its spot, it was the only thing that existed.


A-Less After Session

Had a GREAT session this morning with at least six (lost count) dry orgasms. I feel like I’ve finally got my prostate dialed in I can can get to orgasms faster than before. I was reading afterward and could feel my prostate buzzing, so I started flexing as I would if I had my Helix in and almost immediately had another orgasm! Fantastic!!!!