Constant Prostate Arousal Problem

Hi guys.

Please forgive me as this is not about aneros directly, however looking over the posts here I believe someone might be able to help me.

I am a 23 year old male who very recently(past couple of days) began experiencing symptoms of near constant arousal in my prostate, most noticeable when sitting. These symptoms came after masturbating/edging. My seminal discharge looked normal, and there was no pain. I’m trying not to panic too much yet and am trying to eliminate any would be toxins/bad lifestyle habits that may have caused this in one fell swoop. However as I type this it is 4:30 in the morning, so my sleep has taken a significant hit. I’ve had a singular bout of prostatitis in the past however this is the first instance of this kind of persistant prostate arousal. It is making it nearly impossible for me to focus on anything else. How do I make this go away?

Thanks so much!!