What am I feeling?

I’ve had the Helix Syn Trident since around October last year and I’ve had mixed feelings with it. I’ve noticed since using it and eventually getting some feeling with it, my regular penis orgasm is weaker. The feelings I get I’m also confused with. Sometimes I can go for ages and get absolutely nothing, but then sometimes I can feel something building and then fairly suddenly I a weird sort of heat throughout my body which is centred in my head. During this my brain sort of turns of and doesn’t think of anything. This lasts about 30 seconds maybe and feels nothing like a penis orgasm, but the feeling is better. Thing is, I don’t feel like I’m done when the feeling goes, and if I can’t get it back I often resort to just finishing with my penis which usually ends in a disappointing orgasm in comparison. When reading about what other people have they describe ‘waves’. This doesn’t feel like a wave, and from what I’ve heard you WILL know if you have a super-o, and I’m not sure I have. Any tips on where to go, or what I might be feeling?