Clamping sensations

I’m having some pretty interesting developments after a pretty extended period of not feeling like I wanna divulge in this. And I’m just trying to make sense of it.

So basically, I’ve been hitting this point where I’m experiencing new highs like tingling in random places on my body muscles getting stiff tightness in my abdomen etc. I know those are all good! But I’ve also been having this; clamping feeling. In my best attempt to describe it: It feels like my entire pelvic floor is relaxed, as if my Aneros is sitting in a sort of “gap”. It’s like a divot of sorts, feeling like it rests between my thigh muscles, PC muscles, and sort of “hooks” into place. It still moves freely, and I know it feels deeper than usual.

When this happens I’m getting this sort of involuntary movement mixed with I guess inner contractions, everything feels great and waves begin. Everything up until this point I’ve made sense of, but then the clamping can start after a couple of these. It feels like I’m going to orgasm and it’s into the area of feeling like it would if I let it, I try my best to relax, but eventually things do start to tense up. So I’m curious if anybody relates to this pattern, and if letting it just happen will result in a HFWO or more of a it’s just dry orgasms and I’m not used to the feeling. I feel like figuring this out might be my key to the metaphorical peak of my journey.

Big progress!

I can finally say I know how to have p-gasms after such a long personal journey (years). It’s very variable and all but I trust myself for once.

Saying that, can anybody more familiar with them give advice?
I notice two reoccurent things. The main one is I always feel like I’m reaching “something”. It’s not like a peak just like something is in the background, I feel good but ” that” remains untouched.

It seems like when I’m able to tune into this “something” I get very wild sensations like electric shocks in my eyes or full body waves. But I never seem to grasp it more than once per session if at all. It’s the most intense part, but it also escapes super easy. I have a feeling it’s a budding super-o response and I just can’t quite sink into it.

The other is; with time did you find your endurance going up? I hit a wall right after the first p-gasm where stuff starts going numb feeling. The first is always maximum feeling and sometimes I get two, but it then starts feeling like half or less of the previous sensations there. I assume it just needs time but new area to explore so just curious!

What was this? Excitement over progress

I’ve been a user for a long time but due to my life being shuffled around a lot from my past, I’ve been having way different sessions very recently. I’ve been struggling to make progress for years partially due to psychological problems hampering my progression, but that’s changing.

I’m finally in that area of “what is this?” and I’m trying to split up prostate orgasms super-o’s calm seas stuff and more.

It happened in my most recent session. I had this, relaxation of sorts. It started with feeling like everything in my waist was combined into a singular spot on my stomach, and it went totally relaxed.

Whilst normally I can still feel tension in my pelvic area, if only slightly, this feels like one big muscle is sleep levels of relaxed.

Afterwards this feeling in my stomach goes through changes, either feeling like heat or feeling like it’s clamped internally. Sometimes my core tenses up. The model I use is also slid in further, and feels way more responsive even if it’s not actively moving.

If I can stay empty headed, this kinda evolves into this weird static-y but very pleasurable feeling over chunks of my body. It only lasts a second or two. It’s not really full body at this “moment”.