Some tips for the mental side

Just a couple of pointers for anyone stuck:
1) My favorite mantra is “my only job is to feel”. It captures the key ingredient that its not necessary to grasp this kind of pleasure, you only have to notice it and open up to it. It also makes it clear that this is not a job or chore. It sounds silly, but often we men seem to treat sex as something you need to be good at, and controlled in approach. This approach is not necessary with the Aneros. It will drive, you are invited to ease your hands off the steering wheel.

2) Don’t Think, Just Be. This one is tricky to explain but I will try. It is often said that sex is all in the head, this may be true but it actually points you in the wrong direction at times. It implies that you must think yourself into enjoying it. While this can help initially, your focus is best used on the body itself. Once you find your prostate and isolate the feelings, try to “be” the prostate, not talk to yourself about how it feels.

3) If you want to jump up a level in enjoyment, let go more. This sounds counter intuitive because you are enjoying the feelings you are having. But trust me, if you let go of the pleasure it may leave briefly but it will return with friends. A good mantra for this is “This feels great, but I don’t need it”. Clinginess to pleasure is the enemy here, allowance of what is present is the best approach.