My first breakthrough

I bought an Aneros about two weeks ago. I’ve never really tried prostate play before this. I tried about 2-3 sessions with it in a week, and it felt good, but not the amazing feelings I had read about. I finished myself with my hand at the end each session due to some frustration. I tried doing nothing with meditation, flexing and un flexing PC and sphincter, mindgasm, and just about any other idea I came across online, and nothing really was amazing. I was doing some kegels during this week and really struggled with separating movement between sphincter and PC muscles.

Today, after not having touched or really thought about my aneros, penis, and prostate I was laying on the couch watching TV and started to feel super horny, probably due to the fact that I usually masturbate daily. I remembered Mindgasm saying to hold both muscles for 30 seconds and then release. This was the thing that had felt good, but we not lasted a couple seconds. I decided to try holding it for as long as I could


I was doing everything I could to flex both muscles as my body pushed back with incredibly strong feeling of pleasure and massive convulsions and violent shaking. This was so intense and i guess my muscles are weak so I could only do it for about 3 minutes max. I didn’t have a bunch of time so I only did this about 3 times resting for a few minutes between.