Helix vs MGX Classic my experience…

I tried my new helix classic yesterday for the first time. I must say it was a huge improvement over my previous experiences with the MGX. While I had some pleasurable sessions, I suspect the MGX was a tad too long and was missing my prostate all together or at least the majority of the time.

With the Helix, within 15 minutes I started experiencing P waves (these only came in passing and were few and far between with the MGX). It’s seemed to have more freedom of movement and I could really feel it moving around. This was the first time I had p waves in succession and the first time that pattern repeated during my session.

I left it in for a long time last night (4hrs or so). While I had a pretty good session Monday with the MGX (and maybe my most productive to date), I think the helix really “awoke” my prostate. Even after removing it and going to sleep, it tingled for hours afterwards. And I’m still getting some residual tingly feelings there this morning.

I really enjoyed the sensations with the helix. I don’t have an agenda for my sessions, but just to lay back and enjoy. The p waves alone were quite pleasurable. The stronger ones seemed to radiate up my body which was great. Maybe I get to a Super O or maybe I don’t, I’m just enjoying the pleasurable sensations I’m getting.

What am I experiencing???

Ok so I posted a couple months ago about some progress. I think I have made some more, but I’m not quite sure what I’m experiencing.

I read here somewhere about a “warm up” routine some one tried. Stretching etc. I also perform some harder clenching to start to tire out my muscles some.

I’ve been starting on my side. Just relaxing looking at porn like most do. Eventually I end up turning to my back and over the course of 30 min to an hour a shaking in my pelvic area starts. At the same time I’m concentrating on the aneros and where it’s hitting. I get a wave of pleasure or 2 but it doesn’t seem to last. The shaking builds gradually and starts to get pretty violent at times. All completely involuntary. It’s pretty cool. But I would think I would start getting more intense waves of pleasure at the same time which aren’t occurring. Im enjoying the process and I think I’m getting better at recognizing what I need to do. Today I adjusted the toy some and between the periods of tremors I described earlier and I felt increased pleasure from the toy. I don’t think I had it in the right place before.

I’m trying to assess where I am in the process and see if anyone has any suggestions on where to go from here.


Small Steps

So I’ve been reading this Reddit for a while. Finding it reignited my interest in my aneros (which is a classic). I purchased it about 6 years ago, but never used it much.

I started again using it right around Christmas last year and have used it about every couple weeks. The first 3 times I’ve used it, i didn’t experienced much. I would hold a mild contraction to initiate the desired involuntary spasms, which would feel great, but that would subside very quickly. The second time I used it I layed on my left side (right leg folded up) and just layed there holding a small contraction. After about 20 min or so several small waves pulsed through my abdomen and my hips had a gentle shake. The 3rd time was kind of a dud and not much happened other than getting some involuntary contractions.

Today was a pretty productive session. I started on my left side and had some pretty pleasurable sensations with a gentle hold. After about 30 min I turned to my back with a pillow under my hips. And just held a mild contraction (on a scale of 1-10, probably a 5) for a few min then let it go and return, etc. after about 20 min I felt a warm sensation build in my lower abdomen. My hips started a gentle shake. After a couple min of this I could feel a very pleasurable sensation where the aneros was hitting (I assume my prostate). I concentrated on this area and kept telling myself to relax. Then all of the suddden the involuntaries hit hard and contracted could feel the aneros hitting my prostate hard. I had no control. It felt incredible. This went on for a couple min then subsided. This repeated itself again. I probably had 3 experiences like this in an hour period. I know this wasn’t a superO, but definitely my most productive session.