Help to choose my 3rd Aneros

Hello people of the interwebs,

i need help to decide my 3rd Aneros, i would love to get some input form you guys 🙂

What i already have:

PROGASM: first one i bought years ago. I like the feeling, but it seems to be very fixed in place. I feel kind of “full” with it (even if i can take WAY bigger toys usually), so not much movement i can induce. Needs some affort to keep it in, which can be annoying

HELIX SYN TRIDENT: have it for a couple of month now, love it overall. gives me nice feelings. Easy to keep in, easy to move with my muscles down there. Overall very fun and the reason i started investing more and more time into playing with my prostate.

– LELO HUGO: kinda like Progasm but vibrating, very strong, alsmost overkill i would say. I enjoy it a lot tho

Further information:

I recently got into mindgasm which helps a ton to get deeper into prostate play. I never got to any HFD/WO nor Super-O or anything, just nice feelings during long sessions. I feel like i make progress due to the mindgasm sessions tho.

My thoughts:

– maybe the Progasm jr.? I really like the overall shape of the Progasm, it just seems to be a tiny bit to big/fixed to move around