So I unlocked my first hfwo a while ago with my eupho and for ages thought my pro Jr was a dud model for me but I stuck by it and now I found positions which work and I get awesome results with both. Around the 30 – 40 min mark find myself in huge p waves that won’t let up and if I linger there long enough I can tip over and cause a HFWO. Which feels amazing and generally this has turned into my endgame or goal for sessions as its the best feeling i know how to achieve but I’m curious if edging a hfwo for long enough may cause slipping into a super O. Or am I having a super O on the lead up and the HFWO is just the release when the p spot can’t take any more, or is the HFWO not actually refactory or the end and I should keep going?
I know it’s best to just enjoy and not over anal ise sessions but no harm in checking if anyone has experience in this corner of the sea.