Super O for Breakfast

I was completing my morning routine and decided I had the time for a 30 min session. I had used the Progasm Ice yesterday, so I grabbed my Helix Syn. After about 15 mins I didn’t feel as though I’d make it to super o status in the time I had left. I’d had some great p waves and my prostate was humming nicely, so I switched to my Eupho Trident. 30 seconds was all it took to get my abs and hips erupting with pleasure. I was able to manipulate the Eupho and have it dance around on my prostate, trying not to clench or flex too hard. My prostate had other ideas however, as it pulled it in, not wanting to let it go. I hated to stop. I was a sweaty mess, prostate buzzing and wanting more. The “Breakfast of Champions”!

Progasm Ice Never Dissapoints

Once again had only time for a short session but my Progasm Ice did not disappoint. Within a minute or two my prostate was primed and shortly thereafter those wonderful p-waves began and immediately transitioned into a full blown orgasm. The first lasted about 10 minutes with the second beginning immediately after I adjusted my position and arched my back a little. My prostate devouring the Progasm Ice, pulling it in and not wanting to let it go. Three fantastic orgasms left me dry mouthed from breathing so hard, dripping with sweat and leaking precum for 15 mins after I had taken the Progasm Ice out.

First Impressions of the Eupho Trident

I had a 30 minute “get to know you” session with my new Eupho Trident this morning. It’s new angle is perfect, hitting my prostate and moving freely around it. I understand why they don’t recommend this model for beginners, as you can manipulate it’s smaller head around your prostate, side to side and dead on, but it took all of the skills I’ve acquired on my journey. This is unlike the Progasm Ice, which charges in and starts pounding away almost immediately. My posture was the same as I’ve been using as of late; switching between knees up and feet flat on the bed and switching back and forth to feet touching and legs bowed.

My first p-wave started after about five minutes and lasted the entire rest of the session. As I was working it around and side to side, I could feel that warm, familiar glow starting to take shape. The waves began to slowly intensify throughout the session. After about 25 mins I was to to the shaking and gasping point, and began to moan and swear as if possessed. My cock was flapping against my abs as my hips convulsed. It became somewhat engorged but was by no means hard. Precum was dripping and flipping all over, but I resisted the urge to finish by masturbating. I don’t know about the rest of you, but every session I’ve had I’ve had to stop. There has been no finishing point. I had to make the conscious decision to be done, which is most often difficult because I don’t want to!

Good Morning!

I write this, sweat still dripping from my brow, after my session this morning. I started with my Helix Syn and just wasn’t progressing as quickly as I needed today. I had no more than an hour, but my prostate was yearning for attention. I switched to the Progasm Ice and was not disappointed. Within about five minutes my prostate was glowing with that warm, wonderful sensation we all enjoy. Flex and pull it in hard and then release to about 1/2 pressure. The hips begin to shake, then my abs. For the next several minutes it was bliss! The shaking moved up my body and my prostate throbbing, trying to devour the Progasm. The next orgasm came within 30 to 40 seconds of the first, also lasting minutes. This went on for six or seven orgasms. My prostate is still humming! A good morning indeed!

A-Less After Session

Had a GREAT session this morning with at least six (lost count) dry orgasms. I feel like I’ve finally got my prostate dialed in I can can get to orgasms faster than before. I was reading afterward and could feel my prostate buzzing, so I started flexing as I would if I had my Helix in and almost immediately had another orgasm! Fantastic!!!!

Progasm Ice and Helix Syn: A Fantastic One-Two Punch!

I recently had a session with my Progasm Ice early in the morning. The session was good and lasted for about 30 minutes. Moderate P-Waves and good prostate isolation has been the norm with the ice. It doesn’t seem to move as easily as the Helix Syn. So around lunchtime I was feeling some a-less sensations so I decided to make time for another session. This time I used my Helix Syn. I started into moderate P-Waves within the first 3-5 minutes and a full blown orgasm; body shaking, involuntary contractions and moaning, writhing around, within 10 minutes. Holy shit what a session! I highly recommend this method for those who have both the Ice and the Syn.