Keeping Aneros in

So the more I learn to relax, the more often the Aneros falls out. It does feel really great as it slowly slides half way out and touches what I believe I have is a shallow prostate, but it is a real buzzkill when it pops out or when I have to reach my hand there and save it before it does. I can pull it in tight and hold it there, but that does not feel as good and also makes it harder to relax. I am not real loose, but have this same issue with Trident, MGX, and Eupho and even Progasm when I am relaxed enough. Only thing that stays in reliably is Edge 2 when I am just letting it vibrate and not moving it at all.

Anybody have any tips to keep it in without restricting movement?

Best of posts

I just did a search on top posts and compiled this list of links for what I think is helpful. Will try to do the same on the prostateplay sub when I get time, but others feel free to do it also.







Helix Syn V tabs

I have most Aneros non syn versions. I like the hard plastic because it is much more slippery than any silicone toys I have tried. I have found that most silicone toys tend to be a bit grabby and not move as much.

Last week I ordered a Helix Syn V because I had never tried any of the vibrating Aneros models and I wanted to try a Syn because a lot of people say that the tabs are much more flexible so they move more, but I have found that the tabs on this model are not any more flexible than the standard Helix Trident. Looking at the pictures on their web site it seems that the arms on the Helix Syn V are much thicker than the standard Helix Syn Trident.

So my question is are the arms on the standard non-vibrating syn models significantly more flexible than the equivalent hard plastic models? I like the MGX so might try the MGX Syn.

Syn models

I have a Helix Trident, Program, Eupho, and MGX. All of mine are the hard plastic because I find that smooth plastic slides and moves a lot better than anything silicone.

Several people have commented that the syn models have flexible tabs so they move better. That might be good, but I am also thinking that if the tabs are flexible that they will bend more and allow the toy to be pulled in further when clenching. My prostate is shallow and most toys overshoot it so I am thinking that the flexible tabs may therefore be a disadvantage. Can anyone comment on this?

Aneros harness

Used to not be much of an issue, but now with relaxing more and using better lubes sometimes the massager is pushed out. Happens more often with the smaller models, but even happens with Progasam sometimes and it is distracting since it generally happens at the worst time.

I have used a rag over it then underwear pulled up tight, but that is not the best and restricts movement. Those of you that have made some kind of harness or come up with other ways to keep it in can you share.

I was thinking that some kind of harness with elastic straps might be great because it will allow it to push out some which is always the spot that feels best and then it will get pushed back in.

Finding useful posts

I am sure that many, if not most, of you already know this, but I just discovered it today. When you are looking at posts in a community it defaults to hot posts first and you can also change it to most recent posts. What I never noticed is that you can also sort by top posts then select top over the last day, I think 30 days, year, or all time. When you sort by top posts over the last year or all time (each gives slightly different results) you can find some real gems that you otherwise would have never seen. I found some really useful stuff in there pretty quickly.

Categorized as reddit

Lost Peridise

So a few weeks ago took a gummy and a half and put in the small Peridise then went into shop to work on some things for a few hours while the gummies kicked in. As happens sometimes with lots of lube had the urge to poop. Went to the bathroom, wiped and flushed. Wait…where is the Peridise? Oh crap, apparently was a bit buzzed and forgot to take it out first. Damn, need to buy another one.

Someone please tell me that I am not the only one to have done this!