Caffeine and prostate play?

Does anyone here have experience in whether consuming caffeine before a session increases the pleasure or chances of having a super O? I see a lot of people with anecdotes about THC, claiming it completely changed their success rate and it only makes sense that caffeine or nicotine would improve the chances as well. Afterall they are all psychoactive chemicals.

Do I have to douche before sessions?

Just got my first aneros and I’m eager to use it. But I want to keep everything sanitary. After having a BM is it necessary to douche or can I just go in right after? (After cleaning up the outside obviously)

Also is there a period of time cutoff after a BM, for example if I have a BM early in the morning can I have a session in the afternoon without the fear of getting fecal matter on the toy?

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Best Aneros model for someone who enjoys intensity?

Ive just got an amazon gift card and figure id try out aneros. I really enjoy intensity but I’m also a total beginner and have no clue what I’m doing. Im thinking I want the Helix Syn Trident but Ive read that its small and I don’t want to get a product thats not going to be as stimulating as expected. Ive also read on this sub that the size doesnt really play a role in whether it feels good or not. What model do y’all think would be good for me?