Dry orgasm

Hello guys,
Last night was pretty harsh with my progasm ice, it seems like it is becoming a little more violent. Was actually already in my mind all day working on my ride with my toy and had to prepare for already fixed what pornography looked on the computer. Finally as far as it was after I had taken a bath to relax and after I had inserted some lubricant and enjoy relaxing on my toy I am going with the progasm ice, but didn’t need to wait until the first contractions as long as there were and my legs and arms just started shaking. My whole body from my feet to my head felt really hot to the touch, a kind of tingling in hands and feet and my balls started to tickle and more and more together to squeeze and one after the other dry orgasm follow each other and had every time feeling like I really ready came but that was not so. And tingling in my body was getting worse, but it was a wonderful feeling what I had felt earlier was not so. And now I writing 12 hours later there is still a huge tingling in my balls where I still enjoy.

Session with the great Progasm Ice

Hello guys,
Last night, I again had a session with a prostate Aneros Progasm Ice and stimulation American brand Pipedream. The entire evening was all excited just at the thought that I could play with my prostate and my l favorite toys, it was finally been 8 days since I had been active.
After I had taken a hot bath to relax a little, I’m at about half past ten gone to bed and get some pornography. I started this time with a prostate stimulator of another brand, this I had about 3 years ago as first bought and I really like it, after some time (15 minutes) with this Massager on my back to have located, came the first light shocks in my legs, then followed quickly the first light and soon followed by solid orgasm , which succeeded each other rapidly.
All this has such a 1 ½ hours and then switched to the Aneros Progasm Ice prostate Massager my favorite and this had not as much time to make sure everything began to move into my body, my balls, penis and of course my prostate and I was lying on my stomach now, surely this is 1 of my favorite poses. I’m all that time of my penis alone, because I was so excited that I wanted to direct it, but was I really don’t, the dry orgasm were becoming more violent and followed each other fast on, also I got cramp in my legs and feet, but at a certain time was my penis so hard, that I thought he would break and it seemed like I just no longer on this world was, but it was all that time a wonderful feeling what I didn’t want to miss. Because I am doing this for only 3 years, everything is still fairly new to me, also I have actually not yet as long ago the Aneros website and read all about how great and delicious everything can be, provided you have for yourself certain rules persists.

Session with the great Progasm Ice

Hi Guys,
Last night I had a great session with my Progasm Ice.
After I had taken a relaxing bath, I started around midnight with applying a water-based lubricant in my anus and on the Progasm Ice,.
When very relax on bed to lie down with my thoughts at the wonderful session that would follow in the next night and that was so.
After about 45 minutes to have located the first short dry orgasm, this followed by several smaller and larger dry orgasms, all this took about 60 to 90 minutes until there all of a sudden many orgasms came one after the other and I started to sweat like crazy, but it was a very pleasant feeling.
Have been about 2 years and have now finally got the right feeling to unwind and fully enjoy these sessions.
I love my Progasm Ice a great stimulator.

First post-op Aneros session!

The Aneros progasm ice for quite some time have in my possession and I spent a lot of time to achieve a good result. But since a few months and my prostate body reacts pretty harsh on the sessions and gives me everything what I expected. My entire body responds pretty harsh in a session on progasm ice and come regularly during the sessions to a dry orgasm. Am now very satisfied and happy with my progasm ice and enjoy plenty of.