Helix Syn – not a fan

The Aneros intrigued me as I’ve never experienced a handsfree “Super O” as they call it, despite having a long history of anal play and pegging. So I ordered one and when I opened it, I immediately noticed that it is MUCH smaller than it looks advertised. Well, I figured how could so many other happy customers be satisfied if it didn’t work as designed… I lubed it up, slipped in, followed the instructions about legs being in the right positions, did my breathing, muscle retractions,,, There was absolutely no sensation whatsoever… I’m pretty tuned in to my prostate and the lady and I have a go at it at least 2-3x’s a week, so I know what its supposed to feel like when its stimulated. Just curious if anyone has any insight. The assplay we do isn’t anything that would have me all stretched out or anything like that. So just curious why this all famous device did absolutely nothing for me.

Thanks for the feedback!