Origin story & best experience yet!

So backstory first: Long time lurker, after buying a Helix classic. I was first drawn to the aneros by an ex gf deciding to get kind of handsy during a bj, surprising at first with a knuckle duster and then she used her index finger to tap down (barely) on my prostate while going down on me. I melted as I came, it was fantastic! Being curious about this new sensation and comfortable enough in my own sexuality, I decided to investigate further all the while having this image in my head of the guy in Road Trip getting his prostate milked by the nurse – I wanted to feel that even though it was an act, I wanted that feeling. So I looked at Prostate massage for men via google and came upon the aneros and forums. Jackpot, I found what I was looking for and decided to go with a Helix bc the Progasm looked a bit much at the time. The Helix reminded me of the thought I had that if I could just contort my hand the wrong way, I could milk myself lol.