Close call

Last night I had started with ET and switched to Max T after about an hour.
Rolled on my side with knees up high when I had almost a soft thrumming in my head with an undulating blue gray canvas display in my visual cortex. This was followed by a rapid series of porno images rolling through my mind. Very strange. I was awake so this wasn’t dreaming.
Lasted maybe 5 or 8 seconds.

It was all very subtle and I wanted more, but it faded out.


Every session brings new things.
I have found myself becoming more horny as time goes on.
I passed through a period initially where all I could think about was my next session.
That seemed to tone down after a month or so.
Now into month five, I am again becoming obsessed more and more.
Last night was a high water mark with pro-ice. I was right on the doorstep to O land. Very awesome.
I quit that and put in the small peridise and went to sleep. I woke several times having mini ohs.
Today I was catching minis at work.
Trying to decide what tonight needs.
I also picked up a eupho T a few weeks ago. I might try that on.
There is always helix to consider….

Back to the future

When I first got the helix syn, at the end of June, my sleep was totally wrecked for about 4 weeks. I have an app that records sleep cycles using the motion sensor. I had been high 70-80% and dropped into the 40-50 range.
Lately I was back up into the low 70s.
FF to Monday, when I picked up a tub of Shea Butter. I’ve had two sessions and am back into the 40s on my sleep. I’ve noticed increased motion and much more prostate contact.
I’ve tried KY jelly, olive oil, coconut oil, and sliquid. But this stuff is crazy. I’m waking with aless contractions and having butt buzz.

Very odd.

Down the road

Seems like the first month was a “Hey! This is fun!”-new thing experience.
Had a lot of weird stuff and amazing sensations which seemed to have trailed off the second month. It still felt nice, and I enjoyed it. But the newness or honeymoon, for lack of a better term, had passed.
However, this week has been interesting. I think my prostate has started to gain more sensitivity.
Before, it was just not really reacting. I’d get a nice twinge or a half second flood of energy, but really not much encouragement otherwise.
Last night I got very close to going over the edge. I was pulling the helix in so hard and deep, and it was feeling so good. I couldn’t stop contracting.
Before, if I did that, it was almost annoying and felt scratchy.

I left off and could really feel it. I had ‘the itch’ and there was much fullness in that area. I was tired and needed sleep, but still excited and horny.
So something has changed where it wants it good and hard up in there.
I started thinking I needed a progasm, but now I think not yet.

Press on

New Things

Still getting Mr P woke up.
Every session seems to be more active.
I seem to have more activity if I inadvertently fall asleep with the helix in. Not sure if it’s a time thing or relaxation or what.
I tried the frozen coconut bullet last night. I will explore this more. I’m using the chapstick tube as a mold.
Also got some binaural apps to try. No opinion one way or another there.
I remain.

So Close

Last night I was starting out on my side and was getting a delicious sensation about midway of the north south excursion.
As I inhaled it would pass over and then stop, causing abdominal shuddering while I held my breath. Then as I exhaled, I could feel it ride over the same spot.
So I tried holding my ‘push’ and ‘pull’ at the magic point.
I got it locked on for a bit and experienced a rapidly expanding sort of numbing buzzing sensation throughout my torso.
Unfortunately, it was over in about 8 or 10 seconds.
Never could get back to it.

Alas, new thing = progress!

Press on.

On Ramp

I think I have made it to the highway to wherever this takes me.
Yesterday morning I awoke at 3:00 AM and put the helix in, per a plan from the dud session the night before.
I alternately dozed and engaged in contractions till 5:00, when I got up with it still in. I was leaning on the counter waiting on coffee and got a lot of gyrations and good waves. Went in the other room and went to my knees laying on the recliner. This is becoming my favorite position. Couldn’t stop thrusting. Even after I went upstairs to get ready for work, I stopped to kneel next to the bed and carried on as long as I could before pulling it out. I could have done that all day, but I have to work for a living.
Fast forward to last night. I lubed up and got back to business. Started out fingering myself first, seeing if I could actually touch the walnut or not. Managed to get to it and got some feels.
I put in the helix and immediately started humping the air, without any conscious effort. That was weird. I guess we don’t do the ‘get used to it for 10 minutes’ part this time.
Anyway, had several mini ohs on the side of the bed. I may have carpet burns on my knees….
Back in bed with a few more minis on my back and side.
Nodded off with it in till about 1:00 AM, and did some more minis. Took it out but had many many aftershocks till I got up at 5:00.
This was the best stretch of exercising by far. There were a few time when I felt close to tipping over the edge, but not yet.


Holy crap!
Went to have a pee at work. Finished my business and was checking my phone sneaking a vape. Absentmindedly strummed my right nip through my shirt and started into a serious aless attack.
Damn! I had to break off before I ended up on the floor in a quivering heap.
Left my head spinning.

Happy Trails.

Interesting night

Had an ok session last night. Was getting small shots of bliss, no orgasm, maybe a couple small small ones.
On my side at one point and I had a few involuntary PC contractions, I assume, which were very powerful and involved my abs as well. That was new. Felt like my heartbeat kicked them.
I pulled the plug and went to sleep only to be awoken three times to very hard erections with major contractions. I can almost tell time by my boners during the night.
Last one was about 4:00 AM. I started wanking and it felt like a whopper brewing, but lost my fire and no TO. which is ok because I was not disposed to dealing with what was building up to be a firehose of an ejaculation.
Going to have to leave off for the weekend, I think. Short trip to take care of some business.
Definite progress though.


The beat goes on

Been working at it four nights running with minor events and glute shakes. Trying to get my relaxation on.
Last night was more of the same, nothing mind blowing yet.
I tried on my knees next to the bed and ended up grabbing my cock and got excited till I had a TO. That was rather intense.
Woke up at 4AM with a hard cock and experienced a bit of an aless with some precum.
Today might be interesting because I have the butt buzz.