Long time listener, first time caller

So I’ve been a user for a long time, with mixed results. When I first started out, I hadn’t learned that brute force contractions did not lead one to the path of the SO or anything even near that. Instead, I’d basically wear my MGX or Helix and masturbate furiously while my ass enjoyed a little tickle. I then gave up, took a hot lover with a huge cock and let him work his magic on me instead. I hadn’t yet figured out that Aneros was a great complement to a sex life, not a replacement.

Fast forward to now. I’m older, hopefully wiser but still struggle with my journey. For a while it was HFWO because I was jerking around too much in ecstasy, then it was not being able to relax, then focusing too much, etc. Most recently I’ve taken up smoking pot and it’s had the best results yet with my Maximus as a guide. I’ve learned that a little pot, plus some focus on just riding the wave has really helped me reach a good place where I have some amazing waves of pleasure, dry Os, etc. Eupho has also been a good tool. I’ve learned to love my body, my ass, etc.

I guess what I’m getting at here is that it just takes a lot of patience and kindness to one’s self. As cliched as it sounds, it really is about the journey, not the destination.