Help Getting Back

I first got an aneros way back in 2013ish, but never got anywhere with it. I think I was too young and inexperienced to really let go. Jump ahead to this year, and I’ve started getting into prostate play again. I got my start with the Njoy wand, and fairly quickly was able to get a wet prostate orgasm, which was great but not the multiply dry O’s I had been hoping for.

This brings me to getting an aneros for the second time. I got a Maximus model and the first time I slipped it in I instantly felt something new and exciting. In that first session I was able to ride the new feelings and get hit with wave after wave of pleasure, resulting in 3-5 dry orgasms back to back. It was incredible. I did take an edible beforehand, and so it is hard for me to recall exactly how it felt and how I got there.

Since that first session, I’ve not been able to achieve the same success. I have nice tingly feelings all over, warmth, tightness, even waves on one of my recent session, but no dry o’s back-to-back like that first time. I’m not sure if I’m trying too hard or am forgetting something, but I’m at a loss on how to progress again. I definitely notice my prostate and sensations more regularly, even without anything in me, but that isn’t resulting in better sessions with the aneros. Does anybody have any tips or advice for getting back to the promised land?