Newbie here, some questions

Hi to you all guys, i am a newbie with aneros and with anal play in general. I would like to ask you some questions.
I have been trough 4-5 sessions so far, and what i had some pleasurable feelings but nothing really amazing. I know about the patience thing, not forcing it etc but i was wondering if i ve been things wrong. I read lots of differents approach, but here what am i doing right now:
– insertion (even tough i haven’t been in anal play before, i really got used to it very quickly and also i find the insertion part really enjoyable)
-then i lie on my bed, usually on a side
-wait some minutes
-start doing contractions (almost at random, let’s say i try to start with haflway contractions)
-from time to time i try to hold contractions

my results so far:
-some pleasure build up, nothing really amazing yet pleasurable, in both the contractions and holding phases.
-twitching? maybe, i sometimes felt like my rectum tried to push out the toy while holding the contraction, and sometimes i felt something like subtle contractions like deep inside my pelvis, but i can’t really tell if they were completely involontary.
-anyway all of my reasults are very subtle and i can manage to keep them far a very little time.

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