4 Days of constant pleasure!

It has been over three months since my last blog post. I have not had any news to write about until recently. I work a weekday job with a long commute. I typically work out after work and by the time I get home, eat dinner and take care of things around the house I did not really have the time or energy for a productive aneros session. If I did try a session, I would just get really relaxed and fall asleep. So, lately I have been doing one session per week on the weekend. I have been thinking that that may not be often enough to see much progress. My weekend sessions have been pleasant. I always enjoy the sensations, and usually have some nice p-waves but nothing orgasmic. I would typically insert the Helix, relax and breathe deeply for a few minutes and then do some contractions. I have a vibrator that I have used with my lady-friend a few times and one afternoon about an hour into a session I got the idea to get the vibrator out and touch it to the p-tab and handle of the Helix. I found this to be quite pleasant and stimulating.
This came to be my routine. The first hour of a session would be deep breathing and contractions, and then another hour using the vibrator in conjunction with the Helix. Each time I did this, I would get more sensation and pleasure than the time before. I have been abstaining from regular masturbation in order to increase arousal during aneros session, and I would typically finish a session with a traditional orgasm including the Helix with the vibrator buzzing it. The Super-Ts when I do this are easily twice as intense and twice as long in duration as a typical orgasm. I certainly had no complaints about that.
The weekend before last – Sunday June 17, I was having the most numerous and pronounced p-waves yet, and the Super-T was extra Super as well. The middle of the next week – Wed June 20 I was thinking about my previous session and anticipating my next session and I decided to skip my workout and just go straight home and have a session. Whenever I would think about this I would get a partial erection in anticipation. My Wednesday evening session was every bit as good as the last one had been, and I decided not to finish off with a traditional orgasm Super-T to save my arousal for the weekend.
Friday afternoon I was aroused thinking about the weekend. I came up with the idea to put the vibrator inside the round part of the Helix handle and duct tape it in place rather than touch it to the p-tab. In order to keep the vibrator in place I had to lay on my stomach with my penis between two pillows. This proved to be the best idea I have had yet. I spent the better part of an hour in p-wave heaven and had at least 3 or 4 mini orgasms.
Saturday morning I woke up and went to use the bathroom and after I finished peeing I could feel a p-wave start to build and I had a mini orgasm standing in front of the toilet, with precum covering my penis glans. Amazed, I went back to bed smiling, and immediately felt a warm glow radiating from my pelvis. A few minutes later I had another orgasm, this one stronger than the one at the toilet.
All weekend I was experiencing mild to moderate pleasure in my groin. I had another session Sunday with even better results, just basking in pleasure waves from the Helix and vibrator. I have had pleasurable sensation radiating from my prostate ever since Friday – 4 days in a row now. I would dare say my purchase of the Helix may be the best 60 dollars I ever spent 
I know that some have said that vibrators do not work for them because they numb the prostate. For me there is some truth to this if the vibration is a constant static buzz, but any alternating pattern I have found to be fantastic. So overall I will say that I am very pleased (ecstatic in fact) with my experience with aneros, but my progress has certainly not been linear. It has taken me 4 ½ months to reach this point, and I have felt some mild frustration at times. But I just wanted to tell my story and offer encouragement to others. If you aren’t where you want to be, don’t give up. Keep reading the blogs and forum and try different things, and you may very well find the key to a new kind of pleasure.

Best-Laid Plans / Got to be Flexible

In my first post I said that I would not ejaculate for at least 3 weeks. Ha! That brilliant plan was nixed on Day 9 by blue balls.

I had an intensely pleasurable session last night with even more and stronger p-waves than my Friday session. The pleasure would grow and then subside, over and over. After a couple of hours, I was really tired and starting to doze off, so I removed the Helix Syn and was about to go to bed when I was struck by a dull aching sensation. I know what blue balls feels like even though it has been years since I last experienced it. So, I relubed and reinserted the Helix and proceeded to relieve the symptoms. The orgasm was doubly intense because of 9 days of abstinence and also the relief of the blue balls feeling. The drawback is that my arousal level is now reset. The truth is it had built up to a point where it was starting to annoy me. I was sitting at my desk at work yesterday doing fidgety nervous activities like shaking a leg or tapping a pencil against the desk, which is very unlike me normally. And I attribute this nervous energy to a protracted period of being at a high level of arousal.

Rising Pleasure

Hello Aneros Bloggers. I am a divorced middle aged guy who acquired a Helix Syn about 5 weeks ago. I am certainly a newbie but am not completely devoid of previous experience with anal play. Even before I was married I had read that stimulation of the prostate could increase the intensity of a regular penile orgasm and had used a finger on my prostate a few times when I was particularly horny.

After I became separated and then divorced about 10 years ago , with newly acquired freedom ( and privacy) I purchased a little flexible anal vibrator at a sex shop that was about 5 inches long and the diameter of my index finger which I used maybe 5 or 6 times. I threw it out before I picked my daughters up for a visit because I didn’t want them to accidentally find it. I had found my youngest rummaging through drawers looking for a marker and it occurred to me that one of them might come across my little toy and prompt a very embarrassing conversation I didn’t want to have with them. That was several years ago.

I have had the Helix Syn since about Feb 10th and have used it approximately a dozen times. I wanted to share my experiences in hopes of possibly helping other newbies. I read the Aneros Wiki and quite a bit of the writings on the Forum and the blog and have found much of the information to be helpful. I want to thank especially Brian Mayfield, Rumel, Darwin, and Goldenboy, for sharing your experience and knowledge.