Something different…

So I have been playing around with and without an aneros for more than a decade with varying degrees of success but last night I think I finally had a breakthrough. A couple of weeks ago I discovered r/mindgasm and focusing on the first three lessons, doing them multiple times. I use the progasm jr and slipped that in backwards, hit some poppers and turned on the mindgasm wave pleasure ride. Wow wow wow!! Relaxing and trying to concentrate on my breathing I had told myself to just do what feels good and not focus on a certain end goal. It wasn’t long before involuntary contractions started. Then my entire pelvic region and my legs just started buzzing. I could have sworn I had a vibrator in my ass. While listening to mindgasm pleasure wave ride and flexing my sphincter and pelvic muscles i imagined my prostate almost as a ball floating in the waves of an ocean. The contractions of the muscles creating the waves and my prostate floating and getting tossed about in the waves. I started to focus on the muscle contractions to create bigger “waves” while swirling and grinding my hips trying to create a wave big enough to crash over the ball (my prostate). The visualization in my head and the pleasure I felt in my body were so in sync. I just let myself go and kept doing what felt good and tried not to focus on a goal (cumming, super o, none of that was even in my head). As I focused more on this visualization in my head I imagined the ball not only floating amongst the waves but that the ball was attached to a string or cable from the top as if connected to the base of my spine. I started to almost visualize this string or cable not only connected to the base of my spine but also to the idea of a tail, the tail of a very happy dog. I know this all sounds so weird as I type this but I was just so overwhelmed and in the moment that it all made sense. My body was buzzing, hips grinding, wave after wave crashing into my prostate. I also allowed myself to moan and groan as loudly as I could. Then I started to feel just a crazy amount of joy and happiness. I even started to lightly laugh and giggle, it was so weird and out of character for me. I was just happy and could not stop smiling like all my cares worries and fears were just gone. This is going to sound dumb,I know, but with this ocean wave visualization and sense of happiness, I felt as if I were in a movie. Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorite movies, and that last scene on the beach, I felt as if I were there, another world, and just happy.