Minor Milestone with the Helix Syn

Hey guys! I have been a lurker in r/aneros and r/prostateplay for a long time. About a month ago, I finally decided to take the plunge and buy myself an aneros. After doing some research, I decided that the Helix Syn seemed like the best toy and the one that was most recommended for beginners. When I first got the helix, I was super excited and tried it several times over a couple weeks, with little (if any success). I had a totally free day today, so I decided to have some fun. I thought I’d kind of journal what happened and post it here to see if you all might have any tips or advice for me for the future. Sorry in advance for the long post.

This time, rather than blitzing through clean-up (I prefer to douche before playing in the backdoor, I know it isn’t strictly necessary, but it helps me to relax) and getting the toy in as fast as possible, I decided to take my time and try and be mindful during the cleanup process.

Small Victories, or Wishful Thinking?

Hello guys, I (23M) decided to get myself a Helix Syn as a graduation present. I got it in the mail yesterday. I’ve been reading about prostate orgasms and Aneros toys for several years, and I am so excited to be starting this journey!

When I got the package, I cleaned myself up, lubed up internally with some coconut oil, and popped the Aneros in. It felt great and I kept it in for several hours while I studied for finals and did some other chores. Before I went to bed, I relubed and spent some time really focusing on the feeling of it in my hole. I was listening to a nice relaxing song on repeat, and lightly contracting my PC muscles (Base flex, for you Mindgasm nerds). I kept it contracted at maybe 40% while focusing on my breathing. After maybe 30 or 45 seconds, I could feel the muscles twitching and felt kind of warm and a little dizzy all over. I held it for as long as I could before having to relax the contraction. I was able to do that one or two more times, but at that point I think I started trying too hard and couldn’t make it happen again.

So, my question is, are those “twitching” muscle feelings what you guys call “involuntaries”? And was that kind of warm/dizzy sensation a P-wave? Or am I just too hopeful for early success and misinterpreting fairly benign sensations as something more?