How close am I? Or am I already there? How do I know?

Sorry for the vague title. I’ve been using different Aneros models on and off for years now. Never really worried too much about “super-O” as it always felt pretty good, and I’d basically just use it to enhance my penile orgasm.

A few months ago though, I kind of had a breakthrough where it became so much more pleasurable. I think the difference is I finally figured out how to control my muscles down there. I’ve gotten to the point where it basically moves involuntarily like it’s fucking me by itself (I’m sure there’s some subconscious control from me, but I really don’t have to “try” to do anything).

It feels amazing, don’t get me wrong. Better than it ever has, and I get these orgasmic feelings on my prostate sort of like how my penis would feel if I was really aroused and was edging. There is never a big climax though, so I’m wondering if maybe I’m misunderstanding what a “super-O” really is, or if I just need to keep working at it. Is there some big climax like there is with a penile orgasm? Or is it just sustained periods of this admittedly amazing sensation? With a penile orgasm, you kind of know when it’s over right? lol. I’m guessing it’s not quite the same with the “super-O”?