Full body shaking distracting from continuing?

Ive made some incredible progress over the last year after giving the Aneros a second chance. I really had to learn how to relax, and focus on what I’m feeling and not expect anything like a penis orgasm. Ive gotten to a point where my sessions go pretty much the same, I insert my aneros and just relax. Usually within 10-15 minutes the aneros starts moving on its own a little, and I begin to feel warmth. Sometimes this warmth is very intense, but goes away quickly. And then my body starts to move on its own, first at the hips, and then my stomach. This gains intensity rapidly, to the point my entire body begins to shake very strongly. For a split second it feels amazing, but the shaking seems to “shake away” feeling of pleasure, and I’m just left with strong movements that go away after a minute or two. It’s pretty amazing and kinda neat because I can’t really stop the shaking when it starts, but I feel like its sending me down to wrong path, and there’s a lot more pleasure to be had.
Has anyone experienced this? And if so do you have any tips on how to get past the shaking without losing the focus and intense pleasure that’s there just moments before?