Best Position

Just curious what other folks have the most success with. If your preferred option isn’t in the list, please describe in comments. The ones I have listed below are just the ones I see people mention most commonly.

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Am I just unable to enjoy this?

I’ve been reading on Reddit for over a year about people having p-waves, prostate orgasms, dry orgasms, wet orgasms.

It’s really frustrating for me, because try as I might, I’m not getting ANY pleasure from my prostate!

I’ve learned to flex and control my pc and sphincter muscles. I’m working really hard at staying relaxed and calm. I can even get what I think are involuntary contractions and start to shake… BUT NONE OF IT FEELS GOOD!

I’ve read so many people say “don’t worry about chasing orgasms, just enjoy the sensations and one day orgasms will come.”

But I’m not even getting enjoyable sensations!!! I’ve tried aneros, dildos, and multiple vibrators, and still no pleasure.

Is there something wrong with my prostate? I don’t mind working a long time before something huge happens, but I’m getting so discouraged and frustrated reading about everyone else at least being able to enjoy the wait while I feel nothing!!!