A very cold Friday night and Saturday morning, with Aneros session following

Hi guys,
Early Friday night I went to bed in the 7 p.m. hour because the temperature was dropping into 30’s and 20’s. The only way to sleep comfortably in this super cold weather was to wrap myself in blankets as a cocoon. Then I awoke at midnight when it was very cold and fell back to sleep. Then I awoke at 3 a.m. and had to use my bathroom for urinating and then went back to bed. When I got back into bed, I began to diddling myself underneath all the blankets. Then I began to feel the base of my cock. That was when my cock and balls sprang to life. It felt like I was inducing orgasm and ejaculation of semen. That when I held off, remember @Goldenboy’s thoughts on cock and ball control, and the PONR.

At six 6 a.m., I got up for sure. I showered and shaved. I decided to have an Aneros session using Progasm Junior and Classic Helix Syn. It has been quite a while when I inserted something as thick as Progasm Junior. I managed to insert Progasm Junior and had a good ride with it. I finished the session a good ride with Classic Helix Syn. It was a very session which left me with great Aless which I hope to work with when I got to bed later tonight. Take care.

Aneros and Aless sweetness in honor of @Harper

Hi guys,

It is near the end of a long day and I have to get to bed soon. But this past Sunday, I had a sandwich with some spicy sauce that didn’t agree with me..
I had exercise some self-care which preempted any thoughts of having an Aneros session Presidents Day morning at sunrise. I went to bed early Monday night. Towards midnight I awoke rejoicing that my bowels were feeling much better. I diddled some and fell back to sleep.

I am so grateful that my good buddy @Harper has returned to our community this past Sunday. He reestablished contact with me through an PM late this afternoon. I enjoy very much his repartee, especially on topics as nipple diddling and stimulation of the frenulum. I am getting horny about all this. I know that our interactions will expand to other topics and experiences, to which other guys are welcome!

Take care.

Eupho Syn Euphorium Weekend

Eupho Syn Euphorium Weekend

Hi everyone.
It’s extremely rare (in fact I don’t remember if it ever happened) that I use the same massager in two back to back sessions. This is exactly what happened last weekend.

On Friday night, I felt like a low key, non aggressive session and so my body whispered it’s choices tool, the Classic Eupho Syn. The plan was to have a quiet session designed to simply sit back and enjoy whatever sensation the unit would yield me. Sometimes, I feel like having an aggressive approach so my MGX or Progasm Ice would be selected. This time, the ES did not disappoint!

As soon as it was inserted, I was transported to the edge of bliss but rather on the calm side. At no point in the session was I looking for more results than what I was experiencing, I did not try to escalate anything, as I sometimes do, in a quest to get to Super O country.

The session was such a great success that I simply wanted an encore on Saturday night. Well the short history repeated itself. My two-session weekend was exactly what my prostate prescribed!

The Classic Eupho Syn definatly has its place in my arsenal!

Good vibes to everyone!


Great session today, I was trying to “hold” the device with 40% pressure. That was tough, used my fingers to feel it and trying to get used to what that is. Warmed up with Helix Syn, had some good feelings. Switched to Eupho and kept trying to just hold the device, and as I got feelings, “P Waves”, I tensed up my body subconsciously. So I tried to relax into it, seems like maybe I was learning a little about how my body works and that I can hold the device @ 40% without tensing. At this point I had some VERY intense feelings and very erotic fantasies popping into my brain. It did not last too long, maybe 2-4 minutes. I tried to stay there as much as possible, but relaxing my body seemed to take it down a notch. A couple times i realized I was arching my butt right off the bed.

Eventually things seem to cool down some and I switched to the Progasm. I was lubing it while holding the Eupho in partially and seems like I started up again, almost like being distracted with the lubing was a good thing. So I spent a few minutes and kept lubing the Progasm. Eventually inserted the Progasm but the most pleasure was the insertion. So I went to the Njoy, small end first, nothing, switched to large end. On my back hands free I started to contract the PC. The small end was on my thigh and the extra feeling on my leg seemed to be a turn on. I had an even more intense feeling here, and at one point was not sure that I was voluntarily moving the Njoy or if it was going on it’s own. This was also a turn on, this was the most intense feeling I have had yet, so this is greatly encouraging.

primera vez

Hello everyone, I’m sorry for my English, I use google translate ,excuse the spelling mistakes
With my partner we already have sex games with anal stimulation included and very pleasant
one day chatting with a friend of anal games and sex in general, he told me I have at home an aneros device that I am going to throw you want?

  if I got one and the first time I used it.
The first time I read little but I prepared an enema, abundant lubricant, and I went to bed to introduce it cost not much but a little
then I lay on my side as I read and began to relax and breathe slowly I began to feel some tingling in the balls
and notice how it seemed that he had something inside his ass moved, the muscles would not feel very good and never felt before
To not have much idea I felt very well the other 2 times it has not been the same maybe the desire to get it and read is bad counselor

I’ll keep telling you, advice and suggestions are welcome

have a good day

Greetings Meet

Bueno antes que nada disculpen mi ingles uso traductor de google .
Soy novato en busca de este placer tan grande que explicáis en esta web.

Me regalaron un Helix en mi relación de pareja algo de juegos anales muy estimulante e tenido y muy placenteras y un amigo despues de estar charlando del tema , me regalo este aparato que iba a tirar

Such a beautiful experience to achieve in my sexual life at nearly 40 – PART 1

2020.01.16 / PART 1:
I’d like to pay a tribute to Aneros and Helix Syn Trident and all here who write so much interesting testimonials and reviews. This smartly designed and soft thing added something tremendous to my already fulfilled sexual life, having a loving wife and 3 kids. It happened in just a few days and I still hardly can’t believe it is possible!
When I have read for the first time about P-spot and big “O” a few days ago, I knew it was something for me.
I have tried prostate massage by hand first. Prostate massage alone and by hand turned to be a total failure. I guess this is because of two much anal stimulation and because I didn’t feel comfortable at all, doing it alone.
Then I tried Kegel exercices in bed at night while everybody was sleeping. I did feel pleasure coming the first time with perineum contraction, doing this first in my bed.
Then I found the Helix Syn Trident on internet and ordered it immediately, after reading Aneros web site and blogs, I went on trying Kegels exercises, feeling pleasure, but not more. But the will to go further was growing incredibly fast, I was really waiting for it!
When it was delivered to my office, packed as a present, my boss was out for some reason, and I had nothing special to do… I could’nt resist to try at this moment! I went to a safe place, put a large amount of lubricant and inserted it softly. I put my clothes back over it and went back to my desk.
There, sitting towards my computer, I focused on my sensations and felt nothing, looking for a position that wouldn’t hurt on the chair. Then I started de Kegel exercises: Contraction of perineum, holding, releasing, waiting spasms, contracting slightly, and so on… Slightly I felt the Helix Syn Trident working, I felt growing pleasure, and I felt waves of pleasure, each time bigger in time and intensity. As I was alone, I started some other positions but each position change would stop the waves immediately. I also realized touching the Helix Syn, was doing the same. I didn’t touch my penis at all, according all I had read about it. I finally lied on the back, knees up and feet on the floor, and it was the best position. I let it go and started to shake, feeling strong muscle contractions everywhere. I didn’t see the time flowing but it was good! Jesus! It was already time to go home. I brought the thing home in a safe place because I had no time to play.
The following night I was once again awake in my bed, and for some reason I tried de Kegel exercises. Without the Helix Syn. I was surprised to feel the waves coming back again without it, but I stopped it before shaking not to awake my wife.
The next day I was working. At one moment I began to think about my experience of the day before and it started again without the Helix Syn, becoming stronger, this time I felt an orgasm happen. When it happened I had the feeling of an energy flow going through me upwards, was it just my imagination working?
The following day, I tried the Helix Syn early in the morning but I had not enough time to have an orgasm this time because I had to go. I was kind of frustrated. But the waves came back in the car on my way to my job without the Helix! I suppose this is not quite a good idea for security. I have had orgasms the all day long with hours of pause in between: in the evening I was so exhausted and feeling hurt at the perineum and others muscles, so I decided to make a break to rest.
But from time to time I can’t resist to let it happen again. While cooking, in my bed, and it keeps coming back better.
This weekend I will give it another try at home with the Helix Syn because I think I can get more if my body has rested. I can’t really explain how it happened, I guess this is all a question of confidence, relaxing and muscular training too. Sometimes orgasm is not coming at once but if I just let waves happen again and again it finally comes. Now I have to explain and explore this with my wife. I have to normalize the practice, keeping it for intimate places! I have still a lot to learn about it. I see now this prostate stimulator as a surf and as a key to pleasure… Many many thanks to all from my ocean of pleasure, surfing on this wonderful wave! feeling happy! Cheers!

Such a beautiful experience to achieve in my sexual life at nearly 40 – PART 2

2020.01.18 / PART 2:
Hey Chaps! Feeling quite orgasmic, erotic, happy and energized this morning!
I know, I previously said I’d have a rest but I didn’t really managed to do it!
I’m afraid to be kind of addicted to prostate massage and orgasms…
As a compensation to the constraint to rest, I practised a massage on my perineum area and my anus with a mix of argan oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil, and got early to bed.
To this point I must say I’ve never practised Kegel exercise with an erection or even touching my penis, and it didn’t lead me to an ejaculation.
Yesterday I was suddenly awake early in the morning in my bed, feeling horny. I guess I did unvoluntary some Kegel contractions on my perineum. It started hands free, without my aneros Helix Syn Trident. But I felt something different this time. My aim was to rest, so I stopped acting on the perineum and the anus muscles. I released my muscles, abdominals in particular, but nothing stopped. I relaxed and let it go, trying to avoid any muscle contraction.
I felt waves of involuntary contractions (not a series of spasms this time) coming in my abdominals, synchronised with my perineum. I would describe them as a series of small bowl contractions in my belly. As it was fast leading me to shake, I went off my bed, got my Aneros and started my third session with it straight away.
I decided to go on without acting on my muscles. I felt beautiful contraction waves with different rythms and intensities. I felt plenty of gorgeous sensations, having fun. This lead me to an orgasm, but running out of time, I had to interrupt the session.
Later at my office, in front of my computer, like in the first Aneros session, I was working. Suddenly, a reckless thought of this first session started the muscle contractions again. But this time I think that the Aneros had unlocked something! The contractions became uncontrollable, leading to waves of pleasure, orgasms, and the intensity was the highest I’ve ever experienced in my entire life (hands free and without prostate stimulator). My abdominals where contracting with the perineum altogether. Other muscles where involved, just like all muscles in my body reacted to the same signal. I’d rather say they were reacting to the same wave length! Sometimes I felt perineum and anus swirling inside, which sounds quite weird. At this stage, it was obvious to me that it was impossible to stop the process unless some event occured, emotionally or externally. I noticed the good spot to stimulate de P-spot externally on the perineum since it was pulsating with the waves. I played with it, feeling strong contractions immediately. But pleasure became to lower due to fatigue and strain on the perineum once again, and I grabbed this occasion to let them fade away and vanish. They would come back after a couple of hours, but it was still hurting at the perineum, so I stopped. I felt no frustration at this point because of what I had experienced before. This is a chance that I’m not working in an open desk and I’m now really afraid to go back there on monday! I am just addicted and ashamed towards my boss but no one noticed what happened! I’ll find a way to reward him another way and find a trick to avoid this in the office in te future. I hope I can have some control on it one day
I see this Aneros prostate stimulator as a key and the prostate as a locked door. The perineum is the handle opening the door of a land of pure erotic pleasure, for some time at least, until a lack of stimulation, time and context would finally shut and lock this door again. It means for me that I can use the Aneros as a key, then remove it from de lock. Then I use my perineum muscles as a handle to reopen the door and let pure pleasure flow through me. All day long, as many times as I want or as I can…
This is quite an exciting thought…

Delion Julien

Je suis un nouvel inscrit et j’aimerais partager nos expériences.

I am a new registrant and I would like to share our experiences.

welcome Back!

Happy to see the Aneros Blog Section active again! I hope everyone uses it!