so i did a regular session this time its been about 3 months since my last attempt. at about the 45 minute mark i hat to pull out and pass gas, so i washed the toy and put it back in, after i put in a layed back down and noticed with was really pushing on the prostate, like almost uncomfortable felt like a fine pressure maybe felt like a dull pencil pushing on prostate, i stuck with it. cause i felt like maybe a new milestone was being acheived. about 5 min later with the same pressure on the prostate, no auto moving or sensation is happening. but all of a sudden , the explosion of what felt like numbing gel just exploded from lower abdomen to mid thigh area, i didnt know what to think but held on incase it was something good, the feeling went away about about 15-20 seconds later and just took it out. no blood in stool or what ever just soreness the next day. can anyone verify this experience. and let me know what might have happnend. ill be booking an appointment with urologist to make sure i can further use this toy. thanks in advance!
Category: Aneros blogs
Very interested in prostate massage never tryed it before very very interested in having massive orgasms any advice thanks like witch toys are best thanks again
My Journey
Not much to say here except that I used my Helix this morning and got one P-Wave. I was sort of previously horny before starting and slipped it in and started off. The P-Wave or pleasure wave was about 2-5m in length and felt like a MDMA high (a small one).
It was different before, because I did not use any stimuli to get aroused, only my mental imagination.
It was very enjoyable and was very thankful for this experience!
Retrograde Ejaculation
I’ve gotten the super o thing down pat to the point where I don’t even need my progasm anymore to have a super o. However, I decided recently why not tru to see if I could cum hands free with just toys. I try with my trusty dildo and/or the njoy pure wand and often times, I will cum but usually in the form of a retrograde ejaculation. Not good. Any advice on how to prevent these retrograde ejaculations and actually cum hands free?
Exploring the beauty of embodiment
MB 9-5
Not sure what is up with me right now, out of control.
The Aneros, Nipple Diddling, Aless, and Glans Penis Connection!
Hi guys,
I was inspired by a provocative thread that I saw this evening on Aneros Forum entitled: “Nipples connected to the Glans?” It got me really horny!
However a very cardinal rule to be followed in Aneros sessions especially for beginners is “Penis not.” So for a very long time, actually years, I concentrated on my sessions and kept my penis out of it.
But in Aneros Directions for Use which was among the original instructions, when you have gained facility in Aneros usage, you can stimulate your Glans.
It took me a good five years before I achieved my first bona fide and solid breakthroughs in Super-O’s and MMO’s which occurred in mid September 2016. Actually I had reached a tipping point in that my Aneros sessions became effortless. That tipping pointing also affected my Aless which in itself became absolutely pleasurable. Also my nipples at the time awakened and thus started nightly nipple diddling sessions most nights in bed.
However I discovered my cock and my Glans for sure at age five. Like most baby boomer boys, I was circumcised several days after birth. So my Glans is bulbous and feels so good when I wear a jock and cup.
Tonight I set myself a new goal. When I retire later tonight and diddle my nipples in bed, I will focus on what my diddling has one my cock and my Glans. I expect great things in new focuses of Aless and diddling pleasure! Take care.
SR #4 Expecting nothing
Started with 15 minutes guided meditation. Nice relaxed session. No hard on. Caught myself chasing feelings when they built up, trying not to do that. I did pretty good one time, trying to just stay where I was. Kind of a overall “warm” feeling sort of thing. Couldn’t stay there long, but at least I tried. I think when I get aroused feelings I build or chase them. I need to NOT do that, so trying to just let go and let whatever happen. So different from a normal orgasm.
About 45-50 minutes in I almost fell asleep. I let it happen, stopped moving, stopped touching. Not sure if I really went to sleep or just a hyper relaxed state. But the one track ended and I came out of it. I felt pretty aroused then, probably chased again. Really need to just ride the balloon, let it take me wherever.
Diddling while wearing my jockstrap last night : Powerful meditation on my prostate, cock and Glans!
Hi guys,
Many of you who know me on are aware that I have a powerful jock and athletic cup fetish which enhances my diddling sessions in bed at night and my Aneros sessions. This fetish goes back to my adolescence when I along with other boys were directed by our gym teacher in 7th grade. It was a mandatory part of our gym uniform. I appreciate very much the elastic support a jockstrap offers my genitals and how it prevents fatigue in athletic activities. But there is a very powerful aspect of jocks and cups for the intimate support and protection they have offered me over the years. I thank my dad and my gym coaches for their good examples of wearing such items which produced this sexual awakening in me and this powerful fetish. Wearing jockstraps and cups also has been a natural American activity for athletics and even everyday wear since at least the 1940’s and continues to this day here in the USA. Just writing all this makes me extremely horny.
I began my Aneros journey on early Sunday evening, June 3, 2012 with Helix Syn. Three weeks later I began to experience P-waves. In early July 2012, I began to use Maximus. That was when powerful Aless set in.
After my major Super-O and MMO breakthroughs in mid September 2016, my Aneros sessions became effortless and nipples began to awaken big time. Diddling sessions at night became a source of pleasure for me.
Dalliance upon my cock and balls, failed orgasm and ejaculation, Tuesday September 10
Hi guys,
Oh how I love to wear my BIKE jockstraps to bed at night these days! They have mesh pouches, the fabric of which is in direct contact with my scrotum, cock shaft, and Glans. Now when I diddle my nipples, my Aless is revved up which activates the absolute sweetness of direct contact of the jock mesh pouch upon my manhood, especially my Glans.
I got up in the 5 o’clock hour, shaved and bathed. However I dressed my cock in a couple cellophane containers, the size of condom, before putting back on my BIKE jockstrap. Then got dressed in T-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts, before going out to get coffee and a brownie at the neighborhood 7 Eleven a block away. The cellophane upon my cock in my jockstrap felt so good!
My short jaunt outdoors took about 30 minutes. Upon my return home, I had a light breakfast on the coffee and brownie. Then the dalliance upon my cock and balls caused me to masturbate perhaps for another 30 minutes which I enjoyed, but resulted in a failed orgasm and ejaculation of semen. I came away from these dalliance with a very sweet Aless.
It is now ten o’clock as I compose the final paragraph. My Aless is so strong and sweet. My Aless is centered at my sweet spot located at the base of my ball sack and in my perineum. But sweetness of this Aless permeates my whole cock and balls. It is a sweetness that I will savor for the rest of the day!