SR #7 OK session – MB

No meditation to start, it did not seem to hurt or help my session. Lots of warm fuzzy all over feelings, pretty good pleasure from my nipples. After about an hour or so I rolled over and tried to do nothing, focus on the music. I seemed to want to move the Aneros some. I rested a while doing little moving to nothing. Then moved and tried different positions, my arousal built at this time. Then a new track came on, my native american track and I immediately got really horny. I did some fantasizing about Indian maidens watching me and slowly disrobing. I got pretty hot. When I realized I was tensing, and (maybe chasing?) I tried to slow down and relax, but that seemed to take the edge off my arousal.

Maybe my arousal is still wired to the traditional penile orgasm of building to a conclusion. But I am working on it and being aware of these things are good. I tried to go on a “balloon” ride, going along and having no idea where I am going. Some pretty amazing feelings, lots of arousal, up and down like waves. “General pleasure throughout session” I have not had an erection since the first one or two times.

Ended with masturbation.

MB – Pumping

Got a penis pump yesterday, first time was frustrating, but got myself hard enough with a cock ring to maintain a useable erection, not great, but useable.

Read about ED & pumps, makes sense that it could help. I will try to pump daily for several weeks and see if there’s any improvement in my erections.

Took a pill today and had a good old wank. I think I’ll try to start over on the SR route again.

Ah the pleasure of Anerosing in the standing position!

Hi guys,

This morning just now I had my now usual session with MGX Classic and Helix Syn Classic in the standing position in my bathroom. The standing position enables me to have direct contact with my prostate and my Aneros devices. Also through direct contact, my sessions last now usually 30 minutes. The session was highly pleasurable, and post-session, the pleasure carries over into my Aless as though the Aneros is still inserted and working way. The Aneros Forum and Aneros chat seem to be having technical difficulties since Saturday. Here’s hoping that I can post this blog entry.

Update @7 p.m. nearly twelve hours later. Oh, how I enjoy using the Aneros these days! I enjoy how MGX and Helix Syn directly massage my prostate. I use Kegels of various strengths, but there is no need to have Kegels that over the top. Otherwise I would injure myself while having Aneros sessions in the standing position. My Kegels are more natural now. They certainly prime the pump of sexual pleasure. What I so enjoy about Aless these days is that it is sweet and powerful. I can tap into my Aless just about any hour of the day, but especially at night when I diddle my nipples using soft, deft strokes back and forth my nipples, or using circular stroking on my fleshy aureoles. It is so sweet and powerful. I look forward to my diddling dalliance tonight. Take care.

SR 2 – Exploratory session

Tried to just find my prostrate, so not so much a session as just a spelunking expedition. Not sure, kinda think maybe I did. I did a lot of manual movement trying to find what feels good. Had some sensations so I guess I hit it or was close. It might be in further than I thought, nothing when pulling the toys out more. OR it is right where it is supposed to be. Might order a NJoy wand to do a better manual search and for more direct milking.

The beginning

I’m creating this blog to track my own progress. but will be adding more details than I would need for myself in case anyone else reads it and finds it helpful.

This is my introduction in the forum…..

June/July 2019 I started exploring anal play, I had no clue what I was doing. And while I had explored it a time or two when I was young and never seem to do anything for me. And I also had all sorts of societal hang ups as a straight male RE: gay, this is just wrong, etc.

But this time I discovered finger fucking myself created an extra level of pleasure to my masturbation sessions. And so I progressed and started using a toothbrush and that was even better. At this point I decided I needed something specifically designed for this. So I ordered a vibrating butt plug. I still had no clue about prostate massage nor had I yet heard about Aneros. I was simply exploring ramping up sexual pleasure and was pretty clueless.

It took about a week for the new toy to arrive and while I was waiting for it I was reading things on the internet. And I ran across this Aneros website. I read all about prostate massage and how to have a “session”. My initial thoughts were, oh boy, this sounds intimidating and seemed like a long learning curve, not so sure I wanted to go there. All these posts were so foreign to me, yet it had enough of an intriguing spin that I was interested and I continued to read as I waited for the new toy.

Vibrating butt plug session?

July 24th 2019 – My best memory of what happened about a month ago

My vibrating butt plug arrived today from flesh light. I’m quite excited to try it out see what it will do for me and my masturbation sessions. I am only at this time beginning to learn about prostate massage in the Aneros toy. So when this vibrating toy was purchased, it was simply going to be a bonus or turbocharger for my masturbation.

Having read how to have an Aneros type session I actually was working on that a little bit. I started out with inserting the toy, & turning it on. it has several different styles of vibration and I wanted to experience them all. but I think I tried a brief amount of relaxation and some clenching of my PC muscles. And I also had some strangely good feelings that were not related to my penis at that point. This was new, very mild, but definitely new.

At this point 98% of my goal was simply to improve or turbocharged my masturbation efforts. However because I had overall good feelings I couldn’t describe, I became more intrigued with purchasing an Aneros device and trying to go further down that road.

I had several traditional masturbation sessions with the butt plug that were quite pleasant. But I continued to read the forums here, and then ordered a helix syn.

First Aneros session

August 5th 2019 – My best memory from 3 weeks ago…..

My first session with the helix syn was quite intriguing. I had a lot of OMG moments when I couldn’t really figure out what was happening. Possibly P waves, definitely lots of new feelings and some anal, prostate pleasure going on. I really don’t know what is what as far as terminology at this point, I am very clueless. It was all very sexy and very intriguing. I had a limp cock for most of the time. But at one point it got rock hard but then receded again. I had no idea that I could feel pleasure like that without a hard-on.

I would call this session and major win seeing as how I had no idea what I was doing or if I was doing it correctly. And also because I wasn’t sure I was going to feel anything. But I read somewhere that it might take a year or more to get a super O. And while I got nowhere near that level, I felt something new, and the promise of new things and multiple orgasms was extremely exciting to me.

Sleeping with my Mistress Aneros

(I copied this from a forum post I made August 7th)

Fantasy and reality, the line is getting blurry…….

I could not sleep last night after spending an hour or so on the forums starting about 10:30 pm. (Note to self, reading this forum gets me worked up, maybe don’t read @ bedtime). After tossing and turning a bit I finally gave up on sleep and wrote my first post last night. I then turned on some binaural beats (props to this forum), then rolled over to go to sleep. I lay wide awake for a little bit, all the while my prostrate mistress was whispering in my ear. I finally gave in to my growing addiction and got up at 1:45 am and inserted my Helix, that is the last time I looked at the clock until I awoke with a raging hard on @ 7:17 am. But what happened in between, in the twilight hours was hard to describe.

After my final peak at the clock @ 1:45 – I finally fell asleep and woke up some unknown time later in a dream state of fantasy and reality. Foggy, groggy, lovely. I felt like I was having a religious experience, bliss? I was on my side and I was semi hard, but that only annoyed me as it was distracting me from my religious/bliss feelings. Getting annoyed with a semi hard on is not something I have ever done. I usually run down that road to wherever it will lead me. I have been controlled by my cock my entire life. To have a blissful experience without it, or even more so, to be annoyed by it is really not reality to me. (Where in the world is this prostrate mistress leading me?)

Overthinking it all

8-7-2019 through 8-18-2019

I had several sessions that were only so-so, I think I had expectations from the awesome overnight session. These were frustrating for me. I did spend a lot of time reading posts in the forum trying to figure out what the magic bullet was. I have now discovered there is not one and I need to just ride the waves however they come.

My frustration led to desiring a traditional orgasm at the end of a session. As a side note I’m older and take Viagra to create & maintain a hard-on. So when I had to rub one out it was a softie, but I was still able to achieve that goal.

So apparently I still have a good bit of work to do to rewire my brain. This frustration plus all of my reading in the forums got me to buy the MGX Trident in hopes that it would somehow “hit the right spot” for me. Sadly my expectations of it being a magic tool created a couple of not very good sessions when that toy arrived. (I was looking for that magic bullet, others posted amazing experiences with it) (your results may vary…..)

Advice to others that follow: Don’t chase like I did, slow down, take it easy, take what mistress Aneros gives you. It is going to take some time to rewire a lifetime of traditional masturbation and orgasms.