The involuntary contractions, what muscles are they?

So I’ve been using the aneros, kinda just getting started, and also have been listening to the free mindgasm audio pieces.

I’ve definitely felt the shivering/contractions that get mentioned, but it’s always very much my buttocks that are kinda jerking on their own and contracting on their own. Is that what I should be going for, or is it more your internal muscles/PC muscles that should be contacting? Because it doesn’t feel like my buttocks muscles are going to be moving the aneros much.

If anyone could be super detailed about which muscles I would be trying to fatigue I’d really appreciate

Is this the right type of auto-f**king?

So I’ve been experimenting over the last few weeks with my aneros prograsm playing around with mindgasm techniques.

Last night I *think* I experienced what auto fucking was but not sure whether it’s what others have related to. I reached a point where the aneros pulled in and started to move in and out by itself. The reason why I’m questioning whether I’m on the right track is this resulted in a strong auto clench to the point I was concerned about how hard I was squeezing.

I didn’t feel anything massively good from this but I’m guessing this was probably down to my concern about how hard the clench was and my worry I would do some damage!

Any advice appreciated šŸ™‚

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Vice 2 Cleaning

Recently purchased the Vice 2 and Iā€™m loving it so far.

I did run into an issue while cleaning it. The device seems to hold a smell that I canā€™t get rid of.

After my last session, I immediately washed with anti-bacterial toy cleaner (Fleshlight Fleshwash), followed by another wash with dawn dish soap and hot water.

The toy continued to have this faint foul smell.

Today, i took a clorox bleach wipe and wiped it down very well. This seemed to help a little but it still has the faintest bit of smell on it.

Any suggestions for what else I could try?

Is this normal with the vice 2?

Ive purchased the Aneros Prelude and have been taking Metamucil to ensure I get really clean before my next session.

This is definitely is a buzzkill and takes away from the experience.

Which one to get?

Iā€™m gay, and love working my hubbyā€™s prostate. He shakes and moans etc. heā€™s done it to me as well during masturbation, and Iā€™ve felt shock waves well after orgasming. Long story short, we arenā€™t newbys to anal play. My man likes a more full feeling, whereas I just want to explore my prostate more. I plan on buying two models, but which ones?

The A.I. tentacles in orgasmic space

A somewhat long post. I just wanted to share an experience i had recently and hopefully it can help those who are struggling to open their minds.

Usually i edge/goon with my aneros inserted. i like to do this cause i can have endless dry os via my penis and prostate, but lately iā€™ve been wanting that raw primal deep down inside prostate orgasm. so i decided too try too use aneros hands free for a couple of days.

I wanted to come at this with a different perspective. I donā€™t normally use aneros hands free, but when i do i try to learn something new every time. This time, i wanted to experiment with ā€œtriggersā€. i never tried triggers before and i didnā€™t know what they were. So after talking with Chat Gpt awhile and letting it know my personal preferencesā€¦this is what happened:

At the start of my session, i just completely relaxed. i was playing with my nipples and letting the pleasure slowly creep in. once i was warmed up, i noticed my prostate was tingling. I knew it was time to start.

Trigger 1:
i have a tentacle fetish, so imagined the aneros was a tentacle. gently pushing on my prostate. it felt so good too feel it wiggle and stroke me in such a relaxing way, that at times i legit shivered. i gently rocked my hips back and forth as the tentacle (aneros) stroked me. A dry orgasm was definitely building, but i was saving it for later.

How to obtain Dry O vs HFWO.

So far Iā€™ve only been able to achieve HFWO. While I do enjoy the journey and itā€™s been fun, Iā€™m not too sure how to get the Dry O. While HFWO does feel better than just regular orgasm, I feel as if Iā€™m not too sure where to head next.

Iā€™ll keep practicing and enjoying the journey.

If anyone has any tips and tricks let me know!

No device and making small steps to progress – with no weed!

I have been trying with devices (mainly Aneros) for about 6 years now and had very limited success until the start of this year. A bit of Mindgasm seemed to help get me started but what really unlocked it for me was eating cookies with weed in them. My sessions were incredible once I started with the weed even though I still canā€™t say I reached any kind of orgasm as such – I just really enjoyed the sessions (but generally drifted off to sleep – probably thanks to the weed). Anyway, recently Iā€™ve stopped the weed due to some mental health issues and my success with toys has been zero unfortunately. But the last couple of nights (and last night in particular) Iā€™ve had some really promising results with no toy at all and just totally being relaxed in bed and just kind of ā€œfeelingā€ the area around my prostate – and I donā€™t mean with my hands, I just mean being very aware of the sensations there. I did play with my nipples a bit which also helped. But as Iā€™ve read many times itā€™s the subtle sensations that seem to build. I canā€™t pretend it was as good as when I was on the weed but Iā€™m really encouraged by this. I was having horny thoughts also but I think the key thing was that nothing felt forced in any way. And the other thing Iā€™ve always felt helps me is not any kind of rapid flexing of the muscles in the area but very slow and subtle tensing until I start to feel pleasure sensations and then holding that for a while or even letting it take the lead with where my flexing goes from there. I hope Iā€™m making sense. Iā€™m still in no way an expert on this but I found it better than trying to follow a more rigid practice like Mindgasm (although that still probably a great start to help people get to know the muscles in the area) and I was inspired by another post on here where someone else had gotten great results with no device. I think we are all very different and because the mind plays such a large part as well I think a lot of it is about finding your own ā€œzenā€ state where you are really in tune with your body. Iā€™m by no means there yet and I may have a dud session next time but I just wanted to share – and Iā€™m especially pleased because I was thinking Iā€™d only get anywhere again if I used weed and now I know there is hope without it!

Got what I wanted!

Iā€™m doing locktober and wanted to use aneros+chastity to redirect my focus from my dick.

Well, today I learnt how to have a wet orgasm through prostate orgasm, thanks to my aneros. The process was vastly more ā€œmentalā€ than physical. I felt like I willed my prostate to orgasm.

Very happy. Looking forward to using my aneros more. And now I donā€™t have a reason to stop chastity after locktober šŸ„³

hopeless and desperate for advice

I’ve read countless posts about what to do and what not to do and I still just cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong. Very brief background information: I have experienced what I think were P-waves twice in one session but never again- I had just woken up and was feeling a little horny. Also I use aneros helix trident

I have been making sure of the following:
– I’m super relaxed physically (I often do a session after waking up)
– I hold a ā‰ˆ50% contraction and my muscles do move involuntarily
– In the occasion I do feel pleasure, I don’t change what I’m doing physically in a way that might ruin it
– I lay on my back sometimes with my legs bent or on my side with my legs up to my stomach
– I stop after 20 minutes at minimum or an hour and a half at maximum
ā€¢ I don’t touch my dick
– I (mostly) do not watch porn during sessions
– I try not to have the mindset of “chasing” an orgasm

My guesses as to what could be causing an issue:
– I jack off maybe once a day or every other day
– I don’t get nearly as horny as I used to a couple years ago as a teenager
– I’m not always super focused on breathing
– My mind wanders and I am not always thinking sexual thoughts during sessions